packed lunches

美 [pækt ˈlʌntʃɪz]英 [pækt ˈlʌntʃɪz]
  • n.自备的午餐
  • packed lunch的复数
packed lunchespacked lunches

packed lunches


  • 1
    N-COUNT (上班、上学或旅行中携带的)自备午餐
    A packed lunch is food, for example sandwiches, which you take to work, to school, or on a trip and eat as your lunch.

  1. But pungent2 packed lunches including oily fish , cheese and egg sandwiches are having an adverse3 effect on working conditions and office culture .


  2. Asked if she makes packed lunches for her children like other mothers she said :


  3. The children get up for breakfast and we follow our usual routine : let the dogs out , eat cereal , dress , make packed lunches .


  4. I bet he packed the coolest lunches .


  5. As survivors moved back to clear their devastated home sites , the temple provided packed rice and curry lunches for people to carry with them .
