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  • 网络巴拿马型;巴拿马型船
  1. Strategy and advice for panamax fleet operation are given based on above analysis .


  2. VAR model analysis on Panamax shipping market 's fluctuation


  3. Basic Design of Engine Room Arrangement for 82000 DWT Panamax Bulk Carrier


  4. Ship form development for 70000 DWT Panamax crude / product tanker


  5. Study on the speed performance of 4 100 TEU Panamax container ship


  6. The Structural Design on Baby Post Panamax 4600 TEU Container Vessel


  7. Discussions of a 3 000 TEU Panamax Container Ship Design


  8. Design of Midship Section of Panamax Container Ship


  9. Panamax bulk carrier shipping market drivened by coal and grain has gradually rebounded .


  10. It takes as many as 3,500 containers to replace a single Panamax , a medium-sized dry bulk carrier .


  11. An increasing number of ships are built to the Panamax limit to carry the maximum amount of cargo through the canal .


  12. An example of Panamax vessels on the US / Jap routes was made for empirical study and parameter sensitivity analysis was made as well .


  13. Other option is to barge and load into panamax or cape size vessels , but an expensive option .


  14. The Panamax container ship is a ship type subject to limitations on overall length and breadth and has large hatch openings .


  15. After the construction of the basic model , the year-term lease market of Panamax dry bulk vessel was made as an example for empirical study .


  16. In1996 a new product was added to the LUNA production range : the Mobile Harbour Cranes for loading and unloading ships up to a " Panamax " size .


  17. Fourthly , it used the combining method of quantitative and qualitative , to forecast the Panamax shipping market , which get that , the demand will grow , yet the pressure of supply is also big .


  18. The article introduces the Panama Canal 's third set of locks project , the New Panamax Ship ( NPX ), and the ship building & repairing facilities of China 's ship yards .


  19. The paper presents briefly the regulations about oil fuel tank protection which will probably go into force , and makes an example to introduce some notes in FEM calculation of fuel leakage of a Panamax container ship .


  20. And yet , with a scant half metre on either side , and not much more space fore and aft , the perfect fit serves only to make these " Panamax " ships look out of place .


  21. The parameters of Panamax dry bulk carrier in the year-term lease market was estimated by the application of financial econometrics theory , the investment threshold of year-term-lease Panamax dry bulk carrier was calculated by the model and parameter sensitivity analysis was made .


  22. The paper discusses the influence of MARPOL 13F and 25A on the overall layout of Panamax tanker , compares the advantages and defects of several subdivision schemes and proposes a number of effective improving countermeasures that fit to new MARPOL requirement .
