pass a test

美 [pæs ə test]英 [pɑːs ə test]
  • 通过测试
pass a testpass a test
  1. All migrant workers will be issued with " biometric visas " to check their identity and even high-flyers will be required to pass a test to prove they have a good standard of English .


  2. The world won 't end if you don 't pass a test .


  3. Participants must pass a test to qualify to register to participate .


  4. No longer do people have to pay a special tax or pass a test in order to vote .


  5. But if you 're not a native speaker , you have to pass a test .


  6. So grasshoppers have to pass a test : behave like ants for a few years .


  7. The world won 't end if you don 't pass a test , so don 't worry excessively about a single test .


  8. LL : Oh , to pass a test or an exam with flying colors means that you did a really great job .


  9. Because of crowding , St Peter told them they had to pass a test before ascending any further .


  10. If you are looking for a way to increase the capacity of your memory or pass a test , you do not need to memorize 23,000 words .


  11. You may also be asked to provide references , meet with school officials , or pass a test in the subject matter you are requesting credit for .


  12. They would not need to pass a test to obtain one but the system would have to be self-financing , requiring applicants to pay a fee .


  13. Now , people can use the Koch Method , not because they have to pass a test , but because they want to increase their amateur-radio pleasure .


  14. The city 's transportation system is so challenging that would-be cab drivers must pass a test demonstrating that they possess " The Knowledge " in order to drive traditional black cabs .


  15. Did God help you pass a test ? Did He protect you and provide all you needed this week ? Then praise and thank Him for it , giving Him all the glory !


  16. Alright , but you have to pass a level test first .


  17. Those who want to drive an automobile must pass a driving test .


  18. To get the job he has to pass a proficiency test .


  19. To get the job he have to pass a proficiency test .


  20. Each safety relief valve shall pass a factory test .


  21. Q3 : Will I need to pass a points test ?


  22. We have an interview procedure and they will pass a careful test .


  23. But before they drive any of the buses , they will have to pass a special test .


  24. You teach a child to read , and he or she will be able to pass a literacy test .


  25. Along with Mexico , India and Pakistan are also apparently one of the easier places to pass a driving test .


  26. Tsinghua University announced that it will require undergraduates to pass a swimming test before receiving graduation certificates .


  27. You do not get to stay on Planet Earth if you pass a certain test or if you evolve a certain amount .


  28. According to the current railway ministry regulations , the locomotive after repair must pass a load test and then it can input normal use .


  29. Aluminum-plastic composite pipe connection cards are nested , and therefore construction First , we must pass a stringent test pressure , test connection is solid .


  30. Cab drivers undergo extensive training and pass a detailed test called ' the knowledge ' before setting out on the British capital 's roads .
