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Pentad Average Temperature Changes of Inner Mongolia During Recent 40 Years
Seasonal Changes Characteristic of Pentad Average Temperature in Liuzhou City in Recent 48 Years
According to Pentad rainfall distribution in China , its Pattern may be divided into five types .
A principal component analysis of the North Pacific 500 hPa pentad height field
The correlation coefficients of pentad precipitation between stations in Guangdong are computed using three methods .
Pentad , decade and monthly mean SST fields derived from radiation measurements by satellite
Finally the pentad sequences of atactic PEMA were calculated based on the discussion mentioned above .
Persistent anomalies of 500 hPa pentad mean height in summer and persistent droughts in the north of China
Teleconnections and Features of Circulation in the Pentad Mean 500 hPa Height Field During the Northern Hemisphere Summer
In the fifth pentad of May 1998 , the main positive contributions mainly come from latent heating processes , boundary effect and vertical temperature convection .
Precipitation , convection , and west wind begin to retreat southwestward at pentad 60 ( late October ) .
The Representations of the Low-frequency Fluctuation for the Pentad Precipitation in Summer in the Middle - lower Reaches of the Yellow River Valley
A Dynamic-Statistical Analysis of the Kinetic Energy Variations in the Mean Pentad Circulation at 500-mb in the Northern Hemisphere
On the Time-Space Structure of the Correlations between the Pentad Precipitations and the Pentad Mean 500 mb Circulation in China
A pattern classification of the mean pentad circulations at 500 MB level over East Asia for each NSS by the method of k-mean cluster analysis
500-mb pentad height data from 1972 through 1980 are used for calculating mean zonal kinetic energy , eddy kinetic energy and the rate of their conversion .
The average PCD in Altay region was0.205 ; the average PCP was the38.12 pentad .
The tropical convection that related to the genesis of a TC is triggered by the northeast monsoon flow a pentad before the tropical cyclone occurs .
By analyzing the polar plots of the pentad average temperatures , it is clear that the patterns of the pentad average temperature changes are different in different regions and seasons .
Pentad of noncollinear points
When El Nino or La Nina happens , there is a 50-day fluctuation period in the pentad precipitation in rainy season of Yunnan .
This method is tested with the data of the 500 hPa pentad height-fields over the North Pacific for years 1971 through 1987 , and also compared with other methods of selecting analogs .
The motive is gradually revealed through the analysis of the five terms of the pentad & scene , agent , agency act and purpose and the dominant ratios in the corporate PSA on TV .
While there is a 75-85 day fluctuation period in the pentad precipitation in rainy season of Yunnan , the precipitation anomaly percentage in the main flood period ( June to August ) in Yunnan is positive ;
In terms of these quasi-periodic oscillations , a statistical forecast scheme has been designed , with which a set of eight successive pentad mean height forecast at 500 mb level over the Northern Hemisphere can be made .
This paper investigates the pentad mean atmospheric circulation fields at 500 hPa during the period from June 15,2005 to June 25,2005 and the pentad following . The low frequency oscillation characteristics of rainstorm in central areas are also analyzed .
The results indicate that the interrelations between the three parameters for kinetic energy of the mean pentad circulation as well as their seasonal and other periodical variations are analogous to , but smaller than , those of the instantaneous circulation .
A mean pentad subtropical high ring belt at 500 mb surrounding almost the whole northern hemisphere collapsed unstably and then an intense subtropical high cell which had formed over the west Pacific moved westward , intensified and extended pentad by pentad .
Three stages and two abrupt jumps exist in the climatological onset process of Bay of Bengal ( BOB ) summer monsoon : ( 1 ) on Pentad 23 , westerly and convection start to build up in the southeastern part of BOB .
In strong Plateau monsoon year , ridge axis of South Asia high jump to the north in June which is earlier 1 pentad than normal year , and withdraw to south in August which is later 1 or 2 pentads and nearly vice versa .