perfect Bayesian equilibrium

  • 网络精炼贝叶斯均衡;完美贝叶斯均衡
perfect Bayesian equilibriumperfect Bayesian equilibrium
  1. Grid dynamic emergency management based on perfect Bayesian equilibrium


  2. As a common knowledge , contract is able to overcome bounded rationality , establish a basis of trust and promote the balanced refining , and then produce perfect Bayesian equilibrium .


  3. Subsequently , the leaders and the followers will yield in terms of the Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium Output to get the equilibrium income together .


  4. Using information transmission game theory , we analyze the catastrophe risk-sharing between government public departments and capital market to get the perfect Bayesian equilibrium in pooling strategy and separating strategy .


  5. Based on perfect Bayesian equilibrium , a water right market game model is created . The model discusses water right buyers and sellers ' strategy spaces , sets forth three market equilibrium types , proposes ways to higher market efficiency .


  6. The research shows that the game model has a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium and the existing of moral hazard elevates the price of insurance policy .


  7. During the fifth part , we introduce perfect Bayesian Nash Equilibrium , which is the optimal solution of dynamic game of incomplete information , meanwhile , analyze the reason of an abnormal phenomenon in Chinese Stock Markets .
