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perfect strangers

美 [ˈpɜːrfɪkt ˈstreɪndʒərz]英 [ˈpɜːfɪkt ˈstreɪndʒəz]
  • 网络完全陌生的人;完美陌生人
perfect strangersperfect strangers
  1. Some people are always coming up to perfect strangers and asking them what they do


  2. It provides perfect strangers with a ready-made and infinitely adaptable topic of conversation .


  3. But we 'll wind up perfect strangers .


  4. Then that e-mail started whipping around the world , so that I began to receive donations from perfect strangers .


  5. One of the main enjoyments of the Chinese seems to be chatting with one another , and whether they are old friends or perfect strangers makes very little difference .


  6. Some people have protested that it doesn 't feel good to know perfect strangers are looking you up without your permission , and forming instant views of you .


  7. These people have left their families and lives behind for a few weeks to go into silent retreat amidst a crowd of perfect strangers in India .


  8. It drew strength from the not so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers .


  9. As the perfect strangers embraced and kissed , world famous photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt snapped four pictures , taking only ten seconds to do so .


  10. You are addicted to the instant gratification of unearned adulation from a group of perfect strangers you insist on referring to as your " Friends . "
