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  1. A typical Picasa feed contains a lot of information .


  2. Build a customized interface to the Picasa service


  3. This client is provided with the necessary user authentication information , and opens an authenticated connection to the Picasa service .


  4. This storage can be shared by users'Gmail and Picasa accounts and soon with files for Docs .


  5. Filter these listings by search terms ; add , modify and delete photos ; and build a customized interface to the Picasa service


  6. Users can upload photos to its Picasa Web Albums photo-hosting service , which provides one gigabyte of free storage .


  7. Some might be skeptical that a user with , say , a thousand photos on Picasa would find it so easy to walk away .


  8. Only a few months ago , when I finally tried out Google 's free Picasa photo management software , some method began to emerge from the madness .


  9. For instance , Gmail has a contact-tracking feature , which integrates with Picasa , its free product for managing digital photographs .


  10. Picasa also benefits from Google 's minimalist design philosophy , which has kept the service extremely easy to use , even as Google has added new features over the last two years .


  11. As these examples illustrate , the Picasa Web Albums Data API is a powerful and flexible tool for developers who want to build creative new applications around photo management and storage .


  12. The latest update to Picasa also added a lot of social features to the site , but we think it still doesn 't match the feature set and active community of Flickr .


  13. Web photo sharing services Flickr ( yhoo ) and Picasa are disrupted and challenged by nimble mobile offerings by the likes of instagram .


  14. Google already uses the technology in its Picasa photo sharing service . This lets users tag some of the people in their photos and then searches through other albums to suggest other pictures in which the same faces appear .
