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美 [ˈpiːsɪŋ]英 [ˈpiːsɪŋ]
  • v.接合;修补;凑合
  • piece的现在分词



  • 1
    N-COUNT (断下、撕下或切下的)块,片,段,截
    A piece of something is an amount of it that has been broken off, torn off, or cut off.

    ...a piece of cake.


  • 2
    N-COUNT (尤指可拆卸的)部件,部分
    A piece of an object is one of the individual parts or sections which it is made of, especially a part that can be removed.

    ...assembling objects out of standard pieces...


  • 3
    N-COUNT (土地的)一块,一片
    A piece of land is an area of land.

    People struggle to get the best piece of land.


  • 4
    N-COUNT (与不可数名词连用)桩,项,条,件
    You can use piece of with many uncount nouns to refer to an individual thing of a particular kind. For example, you can refer to some advice as a piece of advice.

    When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical...


  • 5
    N-COUNT (报纸或杂志上的一篇)文章;(一首或一部)音乐作品;(一段)广播节目;(一出)戏剧
    You can refer to an article in a newspaper or magazine, some music written by someone, a broadcast, or a play as a piece .

    I disagree with Andrew Russell over his piece on British Rail.


  • 6
    N-COUNT (一件)艺术品
    You can refer to a work of art as a piece .

    Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory...


  • 7
    N-COUNT 硬币
    You can refer to specific coins as pieces. For example, a 10p piece is a coin that is worth 10p.

  • 8
    N-COUNT 棋子
    The pieces which you use when you play a board game such as chess are the specially made objects which you move around on the board.

  • 9
    QUANT (某物的)一部分,一份
    A piece of something is part of it or a share of it.

    They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit.


  • 10
    See also:museum piece;party piece;set piece

  • 11
    PHRASE 向…表明不满;对…直言
    If you give someone a piece of your mind, you tell them very clearly that you think they have behaved badly.

    How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind.


  • 12
    PHRASE (与…)一致
    If something with several different parts is all of a piece, each part is consistent with the others. If one thing is of a piece with another, it is consistent with it.

    At its peak in the Thirties, Underground design and architecture was all of a piece...


  • 13
    PHRASE 安然无恙的;完好无损的
    If someone or something is still in one piece after a dangerous journey or experience, they are safe and not damaged or hurt.

    ...providing that my brother gets back alive and in one piece from his mission.


  • 14
    PHRASE 说自己想说的话;(毫不保留且不受打断地)发表意见
    If you say your piece, you say everything you want to say about a particular matter without being interrupted, although people may be wanting to express opposing views.

    I'll answer your questions when I've said my piece.


  • 15
    PHRASE 成碎片地;散了架地;成组件地
    You use to pieces in expressions such as 'smash to pieces', and mainly in British English 'fall to pieces' or 'take something to pieces', when you are describing how something is broken or comes apart so that it is in separate pieces.

    If the shell had hit the boat, it would have blown it to pieces...


  • 16
    PHRASE (难过或紧张得)崩溃,垮掉
    If you go to pieces, you are so upset or nervous that you lose control of yourself and cannot do what you should do.

    She's a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died.


  • 17
    PHRASE 把…说得一钱不值;把…批得体无完肤
    If someone tears you to pieces ,pulls your work to pieces, or picks your work to pieces, they criticize you or your work very severely.

    He made numerous errors of fact and was torn to pieces during the subsequent question time...


  • 18
    PHRASE 下流坯;坏东西;恶棍
    If you say that someone is a nasty piece of work, you mean that they are very unkind or unpleasant.

  • 19
    a piece of the action→ see:action

  1. The scale of comber cylinder surface has very important effect on combing technology and detaching & piecing technology .


  2. This piece of equipment is an exciting new development .


  3. Rule a line at the end of every piece of work .


  4. Did you see her piece about the Internet in the paper today ?


  5. She wrote something on a small piece of paper .


  6. The car was found on a piece of waste ground .


  7. Play us that new piece .


  8. I 'll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time .


  9. There 's room for one more piece of luggage .


  10. Let me give you a piece of advice .


  11. She lives down the road a piece from here .


  12. You 're some piece of work , Jack , do you know that ?


  13. Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable .


  14. I cut myself on a piece of broken glass .


  15. This new piece of evidence invalidates his version of events .


  16. She cut her finger on a piece of glass .


  17. It is a technically demanding piece of music to play .


  18. I 'm going to have to nut it out on a piece of paper .


  19. The review is a brilliant piece of writing .


  20. I never found the missing piece .


  21. I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all .


  22. He handed her a piece of paper certifying she was in good health .


  23. I 've got a piece of grit in my eye .


  24. The piece is written in his usual expansive style .


  25. He wiped his plate clean with a piece of bread .


  26. The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism .


  27. Her execution of the piano piece was perfect .


  28. Foreign firms will all want a piece of the action if the new airport goes ahead .


  29. I cut them all a piece of birthday cake .


  30. The piece has four beats to the bar .
