plexus brachialis

  • 臂(神经)丛
plexus brachialisplexus brachialis


a network of nerves formed by cervical and thoracic spinal nerves and supplying the arm and parts of the shoulder
Synonym: brachial plexus


  1. Use of Low Concentration Bupivacaine-Lidocaine Mixture in the Plexus Brachialis Block Anesthesia


  2. The topographic relationships of plexus brachialis to nervus phrenicus , cupula pleurae and ganglion stellatum were investigated on 58 sides of adult cadavers , to provide an anatomical basis to avoid injuring the adjacent structures of the plexus .


  3. One stage surgical procedure was that the contralateral C_7 never root was transferred to the ulnar nerve , the phrenic nerve to the anterior division of upper trunci plexus brachialis and the accessory nerve to the suprascapular nerve .
