- 网络巴勒斯坦解放组织;巴解组织;锁相振荡器;奥马哈游戏;巴解

- a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine;when formed in 1964 it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah;in 1968 Arafat became chairman;received recognition by the United Nations and by Arab states in 1974 as a government in exile;has played a largely political role since the creation of the Palestine National Authority
- Synonym: Palestine Liberation Organization
The resolution had been received with great disappointment within the PLO
Backing of the PLO stemmed more from long-held designs on Jordan than political affinity with palestinians .
Effects of DNA on Producing of PLO and Lf in mice
This paper also lay stress on discussing a digital process of standard position PID and increment PLO .
In any case , the PLO does not represent a majority .
The United States does not recognize the PLO .
A member of the plo , devoted a famous poem to it .
It is difficult to remember now the relatively marginal role played by the PLO until after the October war .
Study of based on PLO microcapsules alginate and cultured in vitro liver cells has not been reported at home and abroad .
Are you trying to join the plo ?
PLO ambassador Maen Areikat says Israel 's offensive against the Gaza Strip has nothing to do with security .
In White House eyes , the Israelis could continue their drive against the PLO and the bombardment of Beirut .
Executive Committee of the PLO
In 1997 Israel and the PLO aGREed on a partial Israeli pullout from Hebron .
OLO , LLO and PLO are predominant among 14 triglycerides in peanut oil ;
Exercise and nutrition supplement could improve abilities of free radical scavenger and reduce the reaction of PLO effectively , improve anti oxidative status and physical endurance .
No one previously aligned with Syria , the PLO , or the Moslem Lebanese factions would be acceptable .
Yitzhak Rabin 's peace policy received broad support from the people , but it also enraged many who opposed compromise with the PLO .
But just over one year later , PLO Lumumba is set to leave office with little accomplished while new laws threaten to cripple the fight against corruption .
But on the other hand , deferent destiny and the arrangement of prospect make the relationship between Israel Arabs and the PLO complicated and subtle .
The relative result for controlling of Carbendazim sprayed plo - ts was 58 ~ 78 % , and it reduced the epidemical tendency obviously .
In the fourth part , after the end of the Cold War , both Jordan and PLO adopted practical policies , and then the relationship of equal colleague has become the main trend ;
Matt Sloan , the good-humored man behind the Plo Koon mask , had no shortage of last lines for the Jedi Master .
At the United Nations General assembly , the UN reaffirmed its commitment to an independent sovereign state in Palestine and gave the PLO observer status at the United nations .
Moreover , the prognosis was poor in PLO patients with high red-cell sodium pump activity , and the magnitude of the increment was positively related to the common cachexia manifestations .
NPR 's Jacky Northam reports the chief representative of PLO to the US says the attacks by Israel on the Gaza Strip are politically motivated .
Results filtrate in 48 ~ 72h in all the mice died ; this Arcanobacterium pyogenes were hemolysin gene ( PLO ) of the PCR amplification .
The abolishment of the military government in 1966 and the rising of the PLO make the Arabs in Israel overcome the chaos and confusion after the Palestinian war , their national conscious became awakening .
On this basis , this study developed PLO alternative PLL on the two alginate microcapsules ( APA , BPA microcapsules ) to explore the PLO on the physical properties and biocompatibility of alginate microcapsules .
Recent studies show that , PLO combined with alginate , a result of the formation of chemical bonds between the two relatively short . Such replacing PLL with the PLO microcapsules were prepared material that can be increased the material stability to some extent .