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  • n.图片博客(photo blog)
  1. Dr. Plog has 160 destinations ranked on the Web site , but ultimately wants to get to 1200 .


  2. Knowing exactly what kind of vacation most fits your travel personality is the key to having a satisfying experience , Dr. Plog says .


  3. The trick is that only seven or eight of the questions drive the results -- the rest are thrown in for cover , Dr. Plog says .


  4. Dr. Plog 's work has been used by the travel industry for decades , and the science behind his study has been peer reviewed and published in academic journals . '


  5. To develop a profile , Dr. Plog 's quiz presents 15 statements and asks people to agree or disagree with each on a seven-point scale .


  6. Dr. Plog has spent 40 years researching travel preferences and decisions , from which coach seats are most comfortable on airplanes to how resorts and European capitals can best pitch to tourists .


  7. Plog is a pioneer , ' says Paul Biederman , an assistant professor at New York University and author of a travel industry textbook . ' He 's now applying advanced technology to what he has been doing all along . '
