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  • 网络磷酸吡哆醛;帕尔普;人蛋白脂质蛋白抗体;个人许可证密码;高碘酸盐-赖氨酸-多聚甲醛
  1. A PLP Speech Feature Extraction Method in Noisy Environment


  2. [ Results ] The disease incidence of PLP was 93.02 % .


  3. RASTA filtering technique was applied to the extraction of PLP characteristic parameters .


  4. A Preliminary Layout Plan ( PLP ) was prepared in May 2000 for public consultation .


  5. Based on Perception Linear Prediction ( PLP ), an approach to extract features from underwater target signal is presented .


  6. Research on the Model of PLP for CSCD


  7. In the new method , PLP feature and sub-band feature are extracted , then combined at probabilistic layer .


  8. Finally demyelination was quantified by analysis of digitized images of PLP immunostained spinal cord sections .


  9. Methods The levels of PLP gene expression were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in the visual cortex of juvenile and adult rats .


  10. The transformation ratio of alliin was improved by the addition of pyridoxine phosphate ( PLP ) .


  11. Results Qingkailing can significantly inhibit the secretion of interferon - γ and proliferation response of lymphoid cells induced by PLP 139-151 ( P < 0.001 ) .


  12. Objective : To explore the expression of proteolipid protein ( PLP ) in mature type-1 astrocytes , type-2 astrocytes and oligodendrocytes .


  13. Methods : Laser confocal double immunofluorescence staining method was used to detect the expression of PLP in the mature type-1 astrocytes , type-2 astrocytes and oligodendrocytes .


  14. Objective : To construct a recombinant adenovirus vector which express mouse TGF β 1 and PLP Ig independently ligated by internal ribosome entry sites ( IRES ) sequence .


  15. [ Objective ] To investigate the disease incidence , feature of phantom limb pain ( PLP ) and the way of treatment for it after the amputation of osteosarcoma ( OS ) .


  16. Conclusion Aged rats have decreased PLP expression , which might be relevant to the morphological and structural changes of myelin sheath , and have certain relation with the decline of conductive function during brain aging .


  17. The methods of spectral subtraction , RASTA - PLP analysis and the static-dynamic features combination are used for reducing the additive and convolutions interferences and improving the robustness of the extracted features .


  18. Three A domains in plp gene cluster were cloned by PCR . Then , the genes were cloned into plasmid pET-28a and expressed in E.coli BL21 ( DE3 ) .


  19. Circular dichroism analysis of GAD shows that the ratios of α - helix and β - sheet in the secondary structures are 13.2 % and 38.3 % . The secondary structures have a little change after PLP removed .


  20. It has provided a good prospect for GABA production . 3 、 Effect of divalent cations and pyridoxal phosphate ( PLP ) coenzyme on GABA-forming activity of the recombinant E.coli GAD were also investigated .


  21. Objective To compare the proliferative responses of T cell line ( TCL ) to myelin basic protein ( MBP ), proteolipid protein ( PLP ) and their synthetic peptides in multiple sclerosis ( MS ) patient .


  22. Three of the 10 cDNA were identified as the clock-controlled genes ( CCG ), that is , the catalase , myelin proteolipid protein ( plp ) and histone acetylase gene .


  23. The PLP ( packet loss probability ) variation with network utility and the transition rate of middle state has been studied . It shows that the new symmetric three states ON / OFF model can give a higher loss rate than the standard ON / OFF model .


  24. PLP speech characteristic parameters simulate the auditory property of ear in the critical-band spectral resolution , the equal-loudness pre-emphasis and the intensity-loudness power law of hearing . They are a set of coefficients of all-pole model .


  25. AIM : By investigating the effects of APLs of PLP 136 150 on T cell clone 4B.14a in vitro and in vivo , to determine the feasibility of APLs to prevent relapsing multiple sclerosis ( MS ) in human .
