police state

美 [pəˈliːs steɪt]英 [pəˈliːs steɪt]
  • n.警察国家(通过警察部门控制人民旅行及言论等自由)

复数: police states

police statepolice state


a country where people's freedom, especially to travel and to express political opinions, is controlled by the government, with the help of the police

police state


  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指通过秘密警察限制人民自由的)警察国家,极权国家
    A police state is a country in which the government controls people's freedom by means of the police, especially secret police.

    Their land has been turned into a police state.



a country that maintains repressive control over the people by means of police (especially secret police)


  1. Their land has been turned into a police state .


  2. While promoting culture of police state mass hysteria at US universities .


  3. And only a police state can force everyone to obey them .


  4. This isn 't a police state .


  5. and it 's a nuclear police state , complete with border guards .


  6. He says the government has turned this country into a police state and this is illegal .


  7. The alternative is to start turning your country into a fortress or a police state .


  8. Libya was a police state for42 years .


  9. He says this means establishing the rule of law , rejecting the idea of a police state and supporting the separation of power .


  10. European officials have described the looming recovery order as the largest since Brussels was empowered to police state support to companies in Europe .


  11. He presided over a viciously effective police state and came to personify a whole era of bloody despotism during the latter stages of the cold war .


  12. Police State armed with special coercion executive power , its essence is the state of social management and control tools , the purpose of the act of the police is to maintain a certain social order .


  13. Criminal policy is connected with liberty , equality and rule by law , the purpose of which is to guarantee in-dividual liberty , not to pursue punishment in model of police state .


  14. And these are the same institutions that have conspired with the Fed to destroy our financial system to make way for a one world government , which is a euphemism for an Orwellian police state .


  15. As the WSWS has warned , the drive by the American ruling class to build up the infrastructure of a police state is in preparation for the inevitable confrontation with the working class .


  16. In 2000 , two men were arrested at a banquet hall in Willowbrook , Illinois , after an undercover investigation featuring police , state attorney 's detectives , and Ty security staff .


  17. The opulent surroundings of the state house were as clear a sign as any that Mr Gbagbo is still very much the man in charge in Abidjan , backed by the army , police and state television .


  18. Several authoritative information outlets , including the verified social media accounts of the Beijing police and state broadcaster China Central Television , published a notice saying the delays would last until August 15 and affect multiple airports across eastern China , including in the former capital of Nanjing and the beach town of Qingdao .


  19. Generally speaking , the violence organs such as the prison and the police of the state which are the guarantee of the implementation of national law do not exist in international legal system .


  20. There are federal police departments , state police departments and local police departments . The police power is restricted by law . And the police functions include providing services , administering laws and preserving order .


  21. Police in the state capital , Columbia , made several arrests , but there were no reports of injuries as protesters from both sides taunted and yelled at each other .


  22. If you have been the subject of an arrest by the police or other state or federal official which took place without probable cause , in bad faith or if someone deprived you of your liberty .


  23. After unit 's crime , legal representative and other directly responsible persons in charge give oneself up to the police automatically , state crime fact of the unit and me accurately , can assert the unit gives oneself up .


  24. The police powers represented the state in the exercise of of the right of citizens to safeguard property rights .


  25. Job burnout of police refers the boredom state of police in emotion and psychology when they cannot handle the work pressure efficiently .


  26. The bridge collapsed just after midnight Tuesday sending the35-year-old man plummeting into a building structure below , police in Western Australia state said .


  27. Police in New York state searched Tuesday for two convicted killers after they were reported walking along a road in a driving rainstorm the night before .


  28. Police in the US state of New York broke into a vehicle to rescue an apparently frozen woman , only to find it was a mannequin , local media report .


  29. Therefore , we need to adjust the industrial structure to keep sustainable economic development . Recently , the economy of Anhui Province develops rapidly which is inseparable with the police got from the state .


  30. Police in the northern state of Assam have averted a repeat of the Mumbai blasts in Baska district near the capital Guwahati .
