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  1. Based on the survey of pomes farmers , Research Three use multiple regression model to evaluate the effects of government policy .


  2. Research on the Theory and Practice of the New Pomes Entering the Classrooms


  3. The Metaphor Research of the Pomes about the Moon


  4. Conclusion Endotoxin and ST are important factors in the Virulence of Pomes mirabilis .


  5. In addition , this study focuses on students learning new poems in senior high school , and the pomes concerned are mostly from the trial textbooks of the second phase of Shanghai education revolution .


  6. Moreover , he combined his art ideal with his art creation , and wrote a group of pomes with elegant style and deep artistic conceptions named " Liu Yun " .


  7. At the heart of these pomes lies Keats ' concern with how the ideal can be joined with the real , the imagined with the actual , and man with woman .


  8. The above results indicated that the main respiration channel of pomes and stone fruits was the peel , the respiration channel ratio of peel against stem of ' Kyoho ' grape is 7 ∶ 3 ;


  9. If we want to understand Bei Dao 's pomes truly , we must clarify " the lonely plot " of Bei Dao 's , track down and return to original state the Bei Dao poetry creation background .
