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  1. Experimental study on Determination of intensity of character Prak in amphibole X-ray diffraction pattern


  2. Although it is widely known that PRAK is involved in cytoskeleton remodeling , the exact mechanism is little elucidated .


  3. However , so far our knowledge about PRAK is still very limited , and there are still a lot of controversies about PRAK .


  4. In addition , endogenous PRAK is primary located in the cytoplasm , while exogenous PRAK predominates in the nucleus .


  5. The data observed at Wusong and Huangpu Prak tide gauge stations are of a good corresponding relationship with the direct economic loss resulted from disastrous typhoon .


  6. To investigate the function of PRAK in vivo , a GST fusion protein of PRAK was used as a bait and screened through T7 phage display system .


  7. So we made a first study of the location , translocation and the anti-oxidative stress function of DJ-1 , and we also identified the interaction between DJ-1 and PRAK in vivo and in vitro .


  8. Because the couple side-stepped the provincial courts when they parted ways , their unusual resolution could pose a problem later , said Prak Phin , a lawyer for Legal Support for Child and Women in the province .
