
美 [ˈprɪtifaɪ]英 [ˈprɪtifaɪ]
  • vt.粉饰,美化(常弄巧成拙)

过去式: prettified 现在分词: prettifying 过去分词: prettified 第三人称单数: prettifies



【不规则形式】prettifies prettifying prettified prettified

to try to make sth pretty, often with the result that it looks worse or false



  • 1
    VERB 美化;粉饰
    To prettify something, especially something that is not beautiful, means to make it appear pretty.

    ...just a clever effort to prettify animal slaughter...



make more beautiful
Synonym: fancify beautify embellish


  1. School Aesthetic education is carried out in three ways : to prettify the inner world of the students through harmonious relationship ;


  2. Wetlands had double prices in the water pollution removal and prettify the environment and were studied used in the countries .


  3. Accounts of this series of battles have often been prettified .


  4. The nurses came on their daily round of washing , changing , combing and prettifying the patients before the matron 's inspection .


  5. It has great significance for increasing product 's quality , protecting merchandise , prettifying merchandise and higher efficiency by lower power .


  6. France ALLBEST Biotechnology Prettify Health Product ( Hongkong ) Company limited All Rights Reserved .


  7. Some agencies prettify and do over-propaganda for listed company pursuing large profit while neglect their due social service function ;


  8. Chinese people and people of all countries will never allow anyone to deny , distort or even prettify the history of aggression .


  9. Therefore the best thing you can be in Bali is alus , which means refined , or even prettified .


  10. Banks traditionally hoard cash at the end of each quarter in order to prettify their quarterly financial statements and meet regulatory checks .


  11. The green space has played essential role in protecting , improving and prettifying environment of small towns . Meanwhile , plant disposition has been paid more attention nowadays .


  12. The areas that couldn 't be prettified in time were hidden behind Olympic billboards that would have made Grigori Potemkin proud .


  13. Though , there are the consciousness and effect of belittling Western learning and prettifying traditional culture in his study , generally speaking , but it grew with the times .


  14. Martial art sings war 's praises and prettifies brutal martial conquer . Military art not only invisibly offer martial education but also possesses high aesthetic value .


  15. Many people would approve of prettifying towns and cities , but guerrilla gardening is not strictly legal . Therefore , this type of gardening often takes place in the dead of night .


  16. And the interface visual design , which is to prettify the software products from the artistic angle , in order to give the consumers very good visual experience and to raise the additional value of the products .


  17. It was the newsreels , he concluded . I was a pushover for the prettified black-and-white ' truth ' they served up .


  18. While other kinds of literatures passionately portrayed the prettified figures of the honest and upright officials , vernacular novels held an important significance in the reflection on the honest and upright officials .


  19. Therefore the best thing you can be in Bali is alus , which means " refined , " or even " prettified . " Beauty is good in Bali , for men and women .


  20. While many of Beijing 's hutongs have been demolished over the years , others have been leveled and replaced with prettified versions of their former selves , turning neighborhoods into theme parks .


  21. The ceramic relievo is hard , wear-resistant , corrosion-resistant and full of unique charm in wall decoration . It not only prettifies the environment but also enhances the spatial culture connotation and increase the aesthetic appeal .


  22. It can be operated in one of two modes : when you need to adjust and prettify a graph to " get it just right ," you can operate it in interactive mode by issuing commands at the gnuplot prompt .


  23. In fact , the construction of eco-environment beauty is the improvement and circulation of three forms and content getting to the higher level , that is the gradual promotion and the externalized three-stages as follows : interacting → prettifying → aesthetic field .


  24. All the attitudes to ignore the history of aggressive war and all the statements to prettify the nature of aggressive war are doomed to jeopardize the peace and justice of humanity no matter how many times these words are said and no matter how high-sounding they are .


  25. Chinese people and people of all victim countries in Asia will say no to any statements and actions that attempt to distort or prettify the aggression history of Japan militarism , and so will Japanese people who believe in justice and conscience . The past experience , if not forgotten , can serve as a guide for the future .
