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  • n.步骤(等于process);过程
  1. The concept of equivalent electromotive force is introduced based on Kirchhoff Law and a new method to solve complicated circuits is found which can simplify the solving proce - dure .


  2. This work analyzes in detail working principles and characteristics of a brushless exciter system of a seperate excitation rotary transformer . It presents control proce - dure and excitation protection .


  3. Study on manufacture of c / c composites by molding proce


  4. This paper deals with the grey cluster method and its calculation proce -


  5. Whether active measurement or passive measurement , it will pay a certain proce .


  6. Summary on the running of DCS controlling system in the rectification and conversion proce


  7. Electric energy measuring instruments are configured according to voltage of power supply and local proce policy of electricity .


  8. We can 't proce your damage claim .


  9. This proce should culminate in the introduction of the single currency by the end of the century .


  10. This proce - dure has advantages in easily regenerating plants with relatively high frequency via a somatic embryogenesis pathway .


  11. Some changes and improvement have been made on the three-axis digitalized milling machine and the processing proce - dure .


  12. Intel 's current top-end chi have two proce ing cores , allowing them to better handle multiple tasks at the same time .


  13. METHODS : The2prescription regulatory regimes were analyzed in terms of law , standard operating proce ˉ dure of drug dispensing .


  14. Co ection time-outs help reduce the lo of proce ing resources co umed by idle Co ectio .


  15. The vasculitis shown here demotrates the destruction that can accompany the acute inflammatory proce and the interplay with the coagulation mechanism .


  16. This paper introduces the functions of MATLAB , analyses its applications in digital image proce - ( ssing ,) and displays the powerful ability of MATLAB in image processing with underwater laser image processing .


  17. Although the accuracy of the Constant volume method may be identical with the original Lane-Eynon proce - dure , but the standard deviation of the former is lower than the latter .


  18. The article analysed the basic principle of electro-optical framing technique in application to the pulse holography . It reviewed and calculated the controllable proce . dure of exposure system and presented main device data .


  19. A whole procuratorial power should involves several power as learning the truth and investigation , decision of case proce - dure , rectify illegal act and prosecuted for responsibility and preventive advise .


  20. In order to improve the efficiency of document clustering , we give a improved method based on signal / noise ratio . In the proce - dure , term weight equation is changed and we refined text classification .


  21. CATV Amplifier plays an important role in HFC network . This paper elaborates the design proce - dures , index calculation and modulating process of an amplifier , and points out the rational way of using it .


  22. But when the bill a eared in danger of being defeated at the second reading , Mr Tsang said his party would su ort it so it could go on to the final stage of the legislative proce .


  23. The challenge of programming a computer to mimic that proce goes to the core of artificial intelligence , which involves the study of learning and decision-making , strategic thinking , knowledge representation , pattern recognition and perha most intriguingly , intuition .


  24. Topography index ( wetness index ) is a crucial kind of input data , which links the saturation deficit of a basin with the conception of variable contributing area . According to the definition of topography index , proce - dures of calculating the index were presented .


  25. The risk assessment for epoxyethane / glycol plant of Maoming Petrochemical Ethylene Industrial Com ˉ pany was carried out by utilized the risk assessment proce ˉ dure of risk index method of fire and explosion of Dow Chemical Company , and improvement measures are sug ˉ gested .
