profit and loss account

美 [ˌprɑːfɪt ən ˈlɔːs əkaʊnt]英 [ˌprɒfɪt ən ˈlɒs əkaʊnt]
  • n.损益账
profit and loss accountprofit and loss account


business 商损益账
a list that shows the amount of money that a company has earned and the total profit or loss that it has made in a particular period of time


an account compiled at the end of an accounting period to show gross and net profit or loss
Synonym: profit and loss


  1. All exchange differences are dealt with in the profit and loss account .


  2. Profit and loss account could show if the enterprise makes profit .


  3. The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet .


  4. Nobody dreamed of passing his bill to his profit and loss account .


  5. These are hard numbers that have been baked into the Profit and Loss Account .


  6. Levels of cortisol rose in the traders as market volatility rose and their profit and loss account became more variable .


  7. Of course , there is one huge difference between the two periods , but it is not to be found in the profit and loss account .


  8. A further 7 per cent are independent boutiques with their own profit and loss account that sit within an overall holding company .


  9. Amounts extracted from the balance sheet and the profit and loss account should be used in completing the financial data boxes in the supplementary form .


  10. Will be the lunwen114indicators of cash flow and profit and loss account of the indicators compared to assess the quality of corporate profits .


  11. Variable annual payments on top of the minimum annual payments , if any , are recognized in the consolidated profit and loss account as incurred .


  12. On the cost line of the profit and loss account , he is more adamant , conscious of perennial tabloid needling about royal expenses .


  13. Reason : to be dealt with the profit and loss account when the property because of the loss , but do not know the loss as a result of transportation , as a foundation for further processing .


  14. Finally , discusses the " concept of comprehensive income " under the categorization of income based on the research progress , the improved non-recurring profit and loss account of disclosure and disclosure of the proposal sheet .


  15. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Company shall be examined , and the correctness of the profit and loss account and balance-sheet ascertained by one or more Auditor or Auditors .


  16. But a financial crisis has come and gone since then and regulators are now throwing everything at banks . Of course , there is one huge difference between the two periods , but it is not to be found in the profit and loss account .


  17. The balance of the proceeds from the alienation or disposal of fixed assets at the current price , after the net unamortized value or the residual value of the assets is deducted , shall be entered into the profit and loss account for the current year .


  18. The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet . The correcting entry includes a debit or credit to prior-period adjustment for the error amount and a credit or debit to the asset or liability ac - count that was misstated .
