purified protein derivative

美 [ˈpjʊrɪfaɪd ˈproʊtiːn dɪˈrɪvətɪv]英 [ˈpjʊərɪfaɪd ˈprəʊtiːn dɪˈrɪvətɪv]
  • 网络结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物;提纯蛋白衍生物;结核菌素试验;纯蛋白衍化物;纯蛋白衍生物
purified protein derivativepurified protein derivative
  1. ELISA test for antibody against purified protein derivative of tuberculin in children


  2. Clinical significance of anti tuberculin purified protein derivative antibody assay in the diagnosis of children tuberculosis


  3. Effects of local heating on purified protein derivative skin test


  4. Result of Purified Protein Derivative Test Among 6534 College Freshmen


  5. The Body Fluid Purified Protein Derivative Antibody Tests : Diagnosis Value in Pediatric Tuberculosis


  6. Purified Protein Derivative Tuberculin The start of proteomics is purification .


  7. Fos expression in brain of purified protein derivative of tuberculin immunized mice


  8. An ELISA measuring serum IgG antibody to tuberculin purified protein derivative was evaluated .


  9. Purified Protein Derivative Tuberculin PURIFICATION OF A NEW RNase RNase TCS


  10. Measurement of the serum level of IgG antibody to purified protein derivative by ELISA in the diagnosis of tuberculosis


  11. Objective To evaluate the diagnosis value of purified protein derivative ( PPD ) antibody tests in childhood tuberculosis .


  12. METHODS In a cross-sectional survey , we studied purified protein derivative ( PPD ) test in exposure group and control group .


  13. A sterile liquid containing a purified protein derivative of the tuberculosis bacterium ; used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis .


  14. Preparation of Purified Protein Derivative of Histoplasmin


  15. Objective To analyze relation between purified protein derivative PPD skin test result and CD_4 cell count in HIV / AIDS positive patients .


  16. Methods According to the questionnaire , the test of PPD ( purified protein derivative ), X-ray checking and sputum bacteria culture method had been used .


  17. Objective To further testify the value of applying purified protein derivative ( PPD ) of tuberculin in monitoring the immunocompetence .


  18. Objective To study the diagnostic value of tuberculosis protein chip , acid-fast smear and tuberculin purified protein derivative ( PPD ) in pulmonary tuberculosis .


  19. THE STUDY OF IMMUNOLOGY MECHANISM OF PURIFIED PROTEIN DERIVATIVE TEST ABOUT Relationship between active pulmonary tuberculosis ( APTB ) and purified protein derivative ( PPD ) response


  20. BCG Purified Protein Derivative ( BCG-PPD ) was isolated and purified from BCG Culture filtrate by trichloroacetic acid and ammonium sulfate methods .


  21. They were injected with 0.1 ml BCG vaccine of purified protein derivative on their left arm ; the reaction was observed 48 to 72 hours after the injection .


  22. Objective : To assess whether inhaled corticosteroid therapy can reactivate latent tuberculosis ( TBO ) infection in purified protein derivative ( PPD ) - positive asthmatic children .


  23. Results : In all 12 patients , the number of purified protein derivative test ( PPD ) presenting the positive reached to 67 % , while cases with the pulmonary tuberculosis was 42 % .


  24. Conclusion The purified protein derivative of histoplasmin might be used as a in vivo diagnostic reagent for infection of Histoplasma capsulatum and for histoplasmosis in clinic .


  25. T cell subsets of peripheral blood were detected before and after treatment . The skin indurations were observed at inoculation spots of vaccine and purified protein derivative ( PPD ) .


  26. Results Among these patients , 61.1 % cases showed symmetrical enlargement in the bilateral lung hilus . 73.33 % cases had increased serum angiotensin-converting enzyme levels , and 83.33 % cases showed negative result in purified protein derivative skin test .


  27. A little blood of earlobe from 216 healthy children and 63 children with tuberculosis were assayed for IgG antibody to purified protein derivative ( PPD ) of tuberculin with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) .


  28. Using purified protein derivative ( PPD ) antigen , a PPA-ELISA for detection of antibodies to anti-TB in human pleural effusion / ascitic fluid was established , and , its specificity , reproducibility , optimal conditions were described discussed .


  29. Methods The BCG scar rate and positive purified protein derivative ( PPD ) rate were studied in 9 608 children who were vaccinated in both the urban and rural areas of Xianning City and who ranged in age from 0 to 14 years .


  30. Objective : To evaluate the response intensity of the different professional crowd to tuberculin ( Purified Protein Derivative of Tuberculin , PPD ) skin test , and the effect of isoniazid ( INH ) chemoprophylaxis to the strongly positive reactors .
