
  • 网络核固缩;核浓缩;致密化;核缩;细胞核固缩


a degenerative state of the cell nucleus
Synonym: pycnosis


  1. Conclusion Cells of rabbit SAN are decreasing with ageing and there is pyknosis and nuclei splitting in old group .


  2. From 2 to 4 month afterwards , the number of osteocytes reduced and pyknosis , empty lacunae as well as obliteration of small vessels in periodontal membrane were commonly seen .


  3. One Case of Pyknosis Insufficiency of Ventricular Myocardium with Viral Myocarditis and Literature Review


  4. Result : Pyknosis insufficiency of ventricular myocardium tended to appear with viral myocarditis .


  5. The nuclei underwent pyknosis . Palliative treatment of the malignant esophagostenosis


  6. With the concentration increasing , cell membrane damage and cell nuclei pyknosis occurred , and cell showed star and polygon .


  7. Animals in H group showed unclear transverse striation of myocardial fiber and pyknosis in some mitochondria .


  8. Swelling and pyknosis in cytoplasm and karyopyknosis in some cells were found .


  9. Affected cells were pyknosis accompanying marked shrinkage and basophilia .


  10. Under electron microscope , lead acetate induced nuclear pyknosis , mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization , cell blebbing .


  11. Results In the HBO group , the myocardial cells showed mitochondrial swelling , nucleus pyknosis and peri nucleus membranous vacuoles ;


  12. Method : One case of pyknosis insufficiency of ventricular myocardium with viral myocarditis was reported , and the features of corresponding diagnosis and treatment were discussed .


  13. Of or relating to or exhibiting pyknosis .


  14. Pyknosis was found in some osteocytes in osteoporosis group . EFFECT OF ZINC DEFICIENCY AND EXCESS ON THE CELL CYCLE AND APOPTOSIS OF MOUSE FETAL LONG BONE CELLS


  15. Results The TEM showed corneal epithelial cells nuclear chromatin pyknosis , stromal partial colloid fibers rupture , endothelial cells mitochondria turgescence and vacuolization ;


  16. The cell membrane fragmentate and nuclear chromatin pyknosis and cell nucleus dissolve and organelles dissolve and cell boundaries disappear when the pathological changes was serious .


  17. Nevertheless the subsarcolemmal mitochondria are huge and cluster distributed . Often found myelin figure , pyknosis and swelling mitochondria , which were characters of metabolism dysfunction .


  18. In the type ⅱ alveolar cells mitochondrial pyknosis , vacuolar degeneration of lamellar bodies , rupture of the cell membrane and escape of the organells .


  19. By TEM , plasmolysis and cell nuclear pyknosis were observed prominent in the high G group , the global substance was observed being generated from the supporting cells and type ⅰ hair cells .


  20. Results The morphologic change of nuclei after adding As 2O 3 was observed to show three status ( oval normal nucleus , shrinkage and pyknosis or karyorrhexis ) during apoptotic process .


  21. In 3 month course group , all the changes above appeared to be more serious with capillarectasia , basement membrane thickened , rod cell nucleus pyknosis and metachromatin condensed .


  22. Results : For the neuron , we can find pyknosis of neuron , depolymerization of ribosome , accumulation of lipid droplets and lipofuscin , condensation of chromatin .


  23. The major lesions included dissolution of Nissl bodies , pyknosis , and incrustation of neuronal surface in the cerebral cortex , thalamus , hippocampus , cerebellum and spinal cord .


  24. The cell organs were increased in density , and myofibrilla were pyknosis or necrosis , the mitochondrial cristae were decreased . The lysosome and cardionatrin granule were enhanced .


  25. Control group : the reduction in the number of neurons in the hippocampus , contour , arranged in loose structure , cell gap widened , the nucleus has a smaller volume , dyeing depth , a nuclear pyknosis performance .


  26. Lipid droplet were seen in the osteocytes of the femoral heads of these animals , which compressed the nucleus of the osteocytes and nuclear pyknosis or absent nuclei revealed in these rabbits .


  27. Scleral fibroblastic nuclear chromatin pyknosis , rough endoplasmic reticulum distention , mitochondria turgescence ; Immunoperoxidase staining can help identify the nature of the cells present in the islets of Langerhans .


  28. Whereas in CP + CPABM groups , the tumor cells shrunken with obvious pyknosis , the surface microvillus disappeared , free ribosome reduced notably in cells and mitochondrion in cytoplasm presented vacuolation .


  29. The results showed that ( 1 ) the neurons in the center of the injection region displayed cytoplasmic shrinkage , swelling , nuclear pyknosis , and dislocation at the early stage , and necrosis appeared 3 d after the injection .


  30. Morphological changes , Nissl staining showed that the mice in the experimental model of substantia nigra in the brain scattered pyknosis of neurons , large neurons stained deep , normal control mice in the substantia nigra nerve argument structure is normal .
