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  • 网络奇迹文库;事业
  1. A line from Xin Qiji , a poet during the Song Dynasty , shows this : Hundreds and thousands of times I searched for her in the crowd.Suddenly I turned , and there she stood , in the dim light .


  2. And the status and influence of Xin Qiji 's Ci .


  3. Clinical Observation on Using Qiji Decoction Gargle to Treat Chemotherapy Patients With Oral Ulcer


  4. A Comparative Study on Reading Thoughts between Li Qingzhao and Xin Qiji


  5. Xin Qiji was a major tourism literature writer as well as a tourism culture builder .


  6. Xin Qiji and Lu You , another famous poet , were good friends .


  7. Yuan Haowen Ci inherited Xin Qiji , but also presents its own characteristics .


  8. Status and Influence of Lu You and Xin Qiji among Wu Yi Writer Group in The Song Dynasty


  9. And the creation of the xin qiji reflects the psychological and emotional male creation appeal .


  10. The metaphor and entrusting in love poems of Xin Qiji


  11. A Bitter Smile : On Xin Qiji 's style of Banter Ci


  12. On Esthetics Traits of Ci Spring in Han Palace the Beginning Day of Spring by Xin Qiji


  13. Affairs of Human Life Are Like a Dream , Just Singing Sorrowful Poetry & On Xin Qiji 's Life Tragedy


  14. Australian Pastoral Contrast between Xin Qiji 's Ci Poem and Tao Yuanming 's Pastoral Poetry


  15. Among all the enlightening predecessors , Du Fu was a rarely mentioned resource that exerted great influence on Xin Qiji .


  16. But there was another side of Xin Qiji & he was at the same time a great solitary man who was not understood by most people .


  17. People pay no much attention to the developmental change of the ci-poetic creation of Xin Qiji in the early period of his return southward .


  18. Great Boldness and Vision Mixed With Extreme Depression & Briefly on Xin Qiji 's dual aesthetic pursuit in his ci of powerful and free style


  19. This proposition is right or not ? It was used as the aesthetic meaning of Xin Qiji 's Ci , and still need further discussion on academic theory .


  20. The formation of the Xin Qiji Ci poem parties was closely related with the art magic power of his lyricses and huge personality magic power .


  21. Xin Qiji 's personality traits appear indistinctly in his poems which are the products of the contradiction between his pursuit and the real difficult position .


  22. In Song Dynasty , Xin Qiji is one of the best representative writers in history of Chinese literature with the largest amount of works and the highest achievements and status .


  23. This is the poem of praising Shangrao written by the South Song Dynasty patriotic poet Xin Qiji , is intoxicated in reading it .


  24. Qu Yuan and Xin Qiji are both great poets of real political talents and their talents make them form a strong sense of self-confidence , spiritual superiority and social responsibility .


  25. Du Fu and Xin Qiji are the typical world-worrying writers , whose poems add dignified connotation to tragic spirit , thus becoming the new peak in Chinese classical literature .


  26. The former were given Qiji decoction gargle , and the latter were given 0.02 % furacilin gargle , vitamine B orally and metronidazole intravenously .


  27. As bold and unconstrained to send word the outstanding representatives of people , Xin Qiji pursued one a kind of lofty , artistic style that strengthened hardness in their artistic creation .


  28. He Zhu and Xin Qiji were two representative personages who wrote Knight-errant Ci in Song Dynasty , they had similar personal experiences , the writing style also had successive inherits in time .


  29. In the final analysis Qiji poetry content and poetic style , with the intent to understand his poem zen concept and Buddhism culture , and thus to further understanding sect-one monk creation appearance .


  30. Established in the Qing Dynasty and passed down for four generations , Shunxing Qiji is a representative workshop producing wood engraving pictures with delicate craftsmanship in Gaomi , Shandong .
