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  • 网络质量信息系统
  1. On the basis of quality operation flow description , the struction of integrated QIS is analyzed and QIS function modle which applies to special steel industry is presented .


  2. With the characteristic of production pattern for special steel industry , the necessity of integrated quality information system ( QIS ) in CIMS is expounded .


  3. The self-assembled quantum dots ( QDs ) have been widely used QDs laser and quantum information science ( QIS ) .


  4. QIS there any city in outland ?


  5. Based on CIMS , demands of quality information and construction methods of QIS are analyzed and discussed through applying CIMS application engineering of Zigong High Pressure Valve Lts . , Co. .


  6. Cultural Interpretation of Lao She 's View of Loyalty and Filial Piety & A Case Study of the Three Brothers in the Qis of Lao She 's Family with Four Generations


  7. During the process of setting up manufacturing industry quality information-management system ( QIS ) based on B / S mode , a large number of quality analysis result of production counts should be shown in form of the chart .


  8. Firstly , on the basis of analysis of the system architecture of ERP and QIS , this paper puts forward a framework and the architecture model of the QIS under the environment of ERP according to the requirement analysis of QIS .


  9. Aurelia Lamp by Qis Design . " A three-way " touch ring " dimmer enables easy luminosity adjustment . Thanks to LED 's small size it is possible to hide the bulb in the center and avoid glare . "


  10. Aurelia Lamp by Qis Design . " It has two knobs on the main body , the front one for adjusting brightness and the back for adjusting lighting angles , imitating a seagull flapping wings to soar into the sky . "
