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  • 网络品质改善小组;品质管理;质量改善小组;品质管理培训
  1. Recently , quantum information theory ( QIT ) has become one of frontier areas in physics and information science .


  2. QIT ( Quality Improvement & Innovation team ) can be defined as : a cross-function task team in manufactory industry , such teams ' purpose is to solve major technology issue or advanced design project with high efficiency .


  3. Quantum entanglement lies at the heart of quantum information theory ( QIT ), and it also plays a very important role in many kinds of interdisciplinary subjects of science . Today , more and more people do research on entanglement because of its importance .


  4. Then the relations among the classes of regular semigroups satisfying ( IT ),( IST ),( QIT ) and ( QIST ) are studied , and description for the classes of the ist_ ( qist ) _regular semigroups are given .
