- 网络存在的理由

Work seems to be her sole raison d ' ê tre .
These voice flash orders are the raison d'tre for people who work on the floor of an exchange .
Its raison d'etre is to make animation and timing as simple as possible .
Apricot , Banana Chip , Apple Chip , Raison .
Both countries need electricity to sustain the economic growth that has become the raison d 'ê tre of both governments .
When market exchange is no longer so expensive , corporate enterprises begin to lose their raison d 'ê tre .
The raison d ' ê tre of entities was to offer a consistent view of inconsistent file systems .
After all , XML is a structured language , so structuring and organizing information is the raison d'etre of XML .
After the Armistice the service society no longer had the raison d'etre and there fore disbanded .
Value creation is a corporation 's raison d ' ê tre , the ultimate measure by which it is judged .
Abe is very fond of golf ; he feels it is his chief raison d'etre .
" The one-child policy is their raison d ' ê tre ," says Ms Kaufman .
It 's just , as you say , the " raison du jure " this week .
Raison D ' é tat Principle in Realist Tradition Realist Model argues that China 's foreign policy stem from calculation of loss-benefit .
Then there is the danger of undermining the government 's raison d ' ê tre : its fiscal strategy .
Raison D ' é tat , as a realist foreign relations principle in modern Europe , was formed in France in the17th century .
Psychiatrist Charles Raison says there are many different ways to practice meditation , but keeping your mind from wandering is one of the most difficult tricks .
As a result , the Kindle was more in tune with the raison d'etre for purchasing the device : to buy and read books .
With security broadly restored , Minustah 's raison d ' ê tre became fuzzier .
Soon after the launch in1979 , it became increasingly clear the raison d'etre of campaign had to be more than educational , but also cultural and economical .
The main raison is that Yuehai railway is affected by local economic and geography , restricted by mechanism factor and the railway hasn 't established integrated refrigeration transport chain .
Facebook 's raison d'tre , says its baby-faced chief executive , is to give people the power to share , in order to make the world more open and connected .
This essay expounds its genres , nature , structure , grammatical function , its raison d'etre , ways of and principles underlying its formation , as well as its standardization .
In this sense , the board of supervisors already has its raison d ' etre , rather than simply a complement to supervision of directors .
When Germany and Japan emerged from the devastation of the second world war , policymakers in both countries assumed that the raison d ' ê tre of finance was to support national reconstruction .
But everything has a story , whether it 's a narrative imposed on the surface by so-called commercial cinema or a raison d ' ê tre concealed inside the work in so-called experimental cinema .
This failure could not be laid at Alan 's door : to see that plans were implemented was the job , and indeed the only raison d ' ê tre , of the administrators .
In fact , being multi-racial and multi-religious for us is a fundamental ideal that was the reason for our independence and our raison d ' ê tre - the reason for our existence .
And yet none of the latter could , of course , have sprung from the soil of such a trivial ignoble cheer , pointing as they do to an entirely different philosophy as their raison d'etre .
Multi-input and Multi-output ( MIMO ) antenna system must be widely used in the B3G wireless communication system for the raison that it can take off the impress of multipath fading and increase the data transfer rate and spectrum availability .