react negatively

  • 反应消极
react negativelyreact negatively
  1. Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang , jargon , and bad grammar .


  2. If others react negatively , that 's their problem .


  3. Having negative thoughts doesn 't mean you must choose to react negatively .


  4. Many employers react negatively to an incomplete r é sum é .


  5. Most Americans react negatively to high-pressure sales .


  6. Question 2.According to the news , who are more likely to react negatively to the new law ?


  7. It may also be the case that some women react negatively to a mate that does not earn as much as themselves . '


  8. Perhaps tellingly , however , she would not provide her name , concerned that other residents would react negatively to her comments .


  9. An IT security approach would be to teach kids to recognise the attacks , rather than react negatively to an imagined fear .


  10. When we think the other person will react negatively , we are more likely to disclose indirectly , say by telling a third party .


  11. My hunch is that most project managers certified in project management will react negatively to these notions , because they run somewhat counter to conventional wisdom .


  12. Another senior European central banker said last week how it had been difficult to take action outside the normal rulebooks for fear the media or the markets would react negatively .


  13. Canines do not like seeing their owners offering affection to other creatures , especially other dogs , and react negatively when their owners bring home new partners , the research found .


  14. Her confession makes her a compassionate person who does not react negatively under subduing circumstance ; in contrary , her encounter has prompted her to the needs of other people and the world .


  15. Professor Teachman said : ' There may be " wounded pride " on the part of the male that may lead to tension in the relationship . It may also be the case that some women react negatively to a mate that does not earn as much as themselves . '


  16. Why does the West react so negatively to Asian values ?


  17. The reasons that boys react more negatively to disadvantage are varied and hard to pinpoint .


  18. Conclusions GMA with electrophilic group could react with negatively charged centers on DNA and form GMA DNA adducts .


  19. React positively / negatively to a suggestion
