
美 [ˈrɪrɡɑːrd]英 [ˈrɪəɡɑːd]
  • n.后卫部队


sing. + sing./pl. v.后卫部队
a group of soldiers that protect the back part of an army especially when the army is retreating after it has been defeated




  • 1
    N-SING (尤指战场上军队撤退时的)后卫部队
    In a battle, the rearguard is a group of soldiers who protect the back part of an army, especially when the army is leaving the battle.

  • 2
    PHRASE 负隅顽抗;最后一搏
    If someone is fighting a rearguard action or mounting a rearguard action, they are trying very hard to prevent something from happening, even though it is probably too late for them to succeed.

    Mr Urban looks increasingly like someone fighting a rearguard action to keep their job.



a detachment assigned to protect the rear of a (retreating) military body


  1. They tried to stage a rearguard action to defend Vienna , but it was futile .


  2. The Das Reich Division stayed as the rearguard on the eastern edge of the pocket .


  3. They have been fighting a rearguard action for two years to stop their house being demolished .


  4. Mr Urban looks increasingly like someone fighting a rearguard action to keep their job .


  5. But they will always be fighting a rearguard action .


  6. Instead it often seems lost in unseemly rearguard actions to preserve a fading status .


  7. Calderwood fought a stubborn rearguard action against the transformation of his section .


  8. Manufacturers fighting rearguard actions against user - created content should look instead to the new business models being developed by companies such as Google .


  9. Critics still question what will happen if the goals run out and the rearguard becomes a bit more flakey .


  10. Owing to traits of modern Chinese politics , middle class in China is evidently a vanguard in consumption and a rearguard in politics as well .


  11. What if , instead of fighting a rearguard action against the encroaching oceans , we stopped sea levels rising at all ?


  12. So far , the intermediaries have fought a rearguard action , but that is unlikely to stop Mr Erhard for long .


  13. The tycoons ' rearguard action included a full-page letter published in local newspapers on December 29 , three days before the rule was to take effect .


  14. To veer further off the Enterprise Week message , I wonder whether this Treasury-inspired campaign merely represents a rearguard action against demographics ?


  15. Next came the musicians and a rearguard of capering fakirs , whose cries sometimes drowned the noise of the instruments .


  16. But after leaving office , he seems to have been caught up in a rearguard action to protect his reputation in a country he has spent years visiting .


  17. A qualifiedly control the ball rearguard have to can under the circumstance that only a person defend him , have no the problem ground take ball half time .


  18. Caretaker boss Kenny Dalglish had to wait until his fourth game back in charge for a victory due to a clutch of rearguard lapses .


  19. The 23 year-old has been watched by Juve , with coach Didier Deschamps keen to strengthen his rearguard during the winter market .


  20. Sir Alex Ferguson is believed to be interested in luring the24-year-old to Old Trafford in a bid to boost his shaky rearguard .


  21. And the armed men went before the priests who blew the trumpets ; and the rearguard went after the ark , the trumpets continually blowing .


  22. The Chelsea boss was frustrated by his team 's inability to breakdown a resolute Reds rearguard and praised Kenny Dalglish 's men for their attitude and commitment .


  23. Senior French officials are mounting a rearguard action to defend the use of French at the United Nations and other international institutions as an international language of diplomacy in the face of the inexorable rise of English .


  24. It is notable that , both for banks " capital requirements , and the move from derivatives being traded over-the-counter among banks to trading on exchanges and settling within clearing houses , the industry 's rearguard action has failed .


  25. The Reds vice-captain admits he has struggled to hit peak form so far this season but insists it won 't be long before both he , and the Liverpool rearguard , are back amongst the shut-outs .


  26. Though he fought his rearguard action with ruthlessness and skill , and though it delayed the transformation of white-dominated Rhodesia into black-ruled Zimbabwe by 15 or more years , it was from the outset doomed to futility .
