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  1. Orthogonal Experiment and Variance Analysis of the Natural Gas Reburn Technology


  2. The principle , feature and shortcoming of traditional natural gas reburn technology were introduced . The major application projects of natural gas reburn in the world were listed .


  3. The temperature of the reburn zone has obviously effect on NO reduction .


  4. A low volatile bituminous coal was used as reburn fuel .


  5. The reduction efficiency decrease with the increase of reburn fuel fraction .


  6. An experimental study on controlling CO and N_2O emission of boiler through pulverized coal reburn


  7. There existed an optimum value ( 0.8-0.9 ) for reburn zone stoichiometric coefficient .


  8. The NOx reduction efficient increased with the increase of the reburn heat input and the reburn zone temperature .


  9. The release of C after 0.2s is strongly dependent on reburn fuel fraction and oxygen content .


  10. My work contains that the research of the influence of the amount and the diameter of reburn fuel to the emission of NOx ;


  11. The results indicate the NO reduction rates are strongly dependent on the reaction time , the coal particle size and the reburn fuel fraction .


  12. The release characteristic of fuel-C , its impact on the NO reduction rate and burnout of reburn coal have been investigated .


  13. The fuel-N release rate is sensitive to reburn zone oxygen content when the initial reburn zone oxygen content is less than 4 % .


  14. Fuel-staging combustion is an effective deNOx technology . Two forms of this technology are studied in this article : Reburn and New three-zone technology .


  15. It is found that CO and N_2O reductions increased with increase in the reburn fuel fraction and decrease in the reburn zone excess air ratio .


  16. Researchers have been study the NOx reduction efficiency and mechanism of air-stage , LNE ( Low NOx Emission ) burners and fuel reburn combustion technology .


  17. The factors that impact the reburning effectiveness are analyzed , such as the natural gas percentage of boiler heat input , air stoichiometry , reburn zone temperature and residence time etc.


  18. Since the pulverized coal reburn technique can simultaneously reduce CO and N_2O emissions , it is possible to further develop this technique to control multiple pollutants from coal-fired boilers .


  19. However , the mature natural gas reburn technology gives a perfect effect of NO X reduction with less investment and little secondary pollution . This technology will be widely used in the future with abundant natural gas reserve in our country and with the improvement of environmental requirement .


  20. By using the FLUENT software , the problems of turbulent flow , heat transfer , combustion and the generation of pollutants are calculated . The influence to the NOx emission of boiler by different combustion methods like Reburn and New three-zone technology is studied in this article .
