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  • 网络相对论有效原子实势;区域全面经济伙伴关系;有效核势;伴关系;相对论有效势
  1. All the nonmetal elements in the RECP calculations were described by the corresponding basis sets in the all-electron calculations .


  2. Methods The correlation between the relative energy complex parameter ( RECP ) and postoperative corneal endothelium edema in 314 eyes that had undergone phacoemulsification was analyzed .


  3. Methods Density functional ( B3LYP ) method with Relativistic Effective Core Potential ( RECP ) has been used to optimize the structures of PdH and PdH_2 molecules .


  4. Density functional ( B3LYP / SDD ) method with Relativistic Effective Core Potential ( RECP ) is used to optimize the molecular structures of PdO_2 and YO_2 in Gaussian 98 program .


  5. For the structures of all the metal catons ( with the except Li + , Be2 + ) complexes , the relativistic effective core potentials ( RECP ) LanL2DZ were used .


  6. An ab initio calculation was performed on the study of electronic states of MoCl_2 ~ ( 2 + ) and MoCl_4 using relativistic effective core potential ( RECP ) for molybdenum , and non-relativistic ECP for chlorine .
