
美 [ˈrelɪɡeɪtɪŋ]英 [ˈrelɪɡeɪtɪŋ]
  • v.降低…的地位;使贬职;使(运动队,尤指足球队)降级;使降组
  • relegate的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 贬黜;把…降级;把…降格
    If you relegate someone or something to a less important position, you give them this position.

    Might it not be better to relegate the King to a purely ceremonial function?...


  • 2
    VERB 使(球队)降级
    If a sports team that competes in a league is relegated, it has to compete in a lower division in the next competition, because it was one of the least successful teams in the higher division.

    If Leigh lose, they'll be relegated.


  • Relegation to the Third Division would prove catastrophic.



authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions
Synonym: delegating delegation relegation deputation


  1. Gas prices stay low , relegating EVs to niche status .


  2. but not necessarily relegating these children to government Head Start centers . "


  3. The Evolution and Characteristics of the Relegating Poems in Tang and Song Dynasties


  4. Lastly , relegating all transformation to the endpoint also puts a heavy burden on your IT resources .


  5. Relegating literature is a special angle which researches the relationship between literature Creating activity and the subject 's aesthetic psychology .


  6. Minimize perspiration by relegating physical activity to nighttime .


  7. E-cigarette executives dream of relegating traditional cigarettes to the ashtray of history .


  8. Swiss school IMD climbs to second place after coming third for four years , relegating HEC Paris into third .


  9. Prof Deshpand é adds that most companies make a big mistake by relegating brand management issues to the marketing department .


  10. Meanwhile , relegating the former studies ' partiality for influence from the western culture , this study focuses more on that from the traditional Chinese culture .


  11. Then , as new tasks come up , find time for them on your calendar , rather than relegating them to your never-ending to-do list .


  12. And if local data management and analysis skills are poor , data are often taken elsewhere for analysis , relegating local collaborators to data-producers and protocol-doers .


  13. One of the objectives of introducing MakeConnection is to limit its impact on nontransport code , thus relegating MakeConnection to simply another transport mechanism .


  14. ( think of a supermarket that encourages healthy eating by displaying fruits and vegetables in the front of the store while relegating junk food to the back . )


  15. However , relegating all of them to a " tribe " is an unsubstantiated generalization hardly befitting an anthropologist engaged in a scientific study .


  16. As far as the subject himself is concerned , the creation of relegating literature is not only a replacement of their dreams , but also one thing that can reduce their great pains .


  17. The ethos of early college high schools : catch students up , not by relegating them to the kind of remedial classes required at community colleges but by bombarding them with challenging work .


  18. Relegating the iPod to the accessory rack can be seen as a type of demotion but also a better way to highlight the devices so they catch the eye of more consumers .


  19. Humbled by the financial crisis and heavily reliant on Beijing to climb out of it , Washington has shifted gear , relegating the currency to a subset of its push for broader economic reforms in China .


  20. Tourists from China accounted for nearly one in four arrivals in the Maldives last year , relegating the UK and Germany – which usually alternate at the top of the rankings – to second and third position , according to official data .
