remote mouse

美 [rɪˈmoʊt maʊs]英 [rɪˈməʊt maʊs]
  • 网络远程鼠标;无线鼠标
remote mouseremote mouse
  1. With the high demands of Keyboard Video Mouse ( KVM ) remote mouse synchronization , this paper proposes a mouse-synch method based on High-Speed USB2.0-HID class .


  2. The working principle of PS / 2 interface of a personal computer ( PC ) is used to design a remote mouse device , of which the signals of a common infrared remote controller are achieved and input to a computer through PS / 2 mouse interface .


  3. The Design and Study of Infrared Remote Controlling Mouse


  4. Design of Infrared Remote Controlling Mouse Based on Single-chip Microcomputer


  5. Several design schemes of coding and decoding circuits in a wireless remote control mouse


  6. The paper focused on the improvement of multimedia teaching by applying newly developed software and its relevant products including RF remote control mouse , screen pen and electronic hand-written screen .


  7. In order to improve the mutual performance between human and machine in the multimedia classroom , combining optic-mechanical mouse with coding and decoding circuit , a wireless remote control mouse was designed .


  8. Remote Multi-keyboard and Mouse Interaction by Two CPU
