
  1. Then the client receives the response via the replyTo path put in the request message .


  2. Any response message will be sent on a new connection to the wsa : ReplyTo EPR .


  3. Note that a regular JMS application would read the name of the response queue from the ReplyTo field in the request message .


  4. Additionally , it specifies when it is appropriate to include a wsa : ReplyTo SOAP header block .


  5. The service initiates a separate HTTP channel on the ReplyTo EPR value provided by the client to send the response back to the client .


  6. Take the case of a request message flowing on a HTTP request flow whose wsa : ReplyTo is set to an addressable endpoint .


  7. An additional requirement has been added that clarifies the expectations in the context of a request message with a wsa : ReplyTo .


  8. When the client sends a request to an asynchronous web service , it must also mention a valid replyTo endpoint for the server to send the response back .


  9. This is done by specifying the URI of the mailbox in the EPR provided to the service ( for example , in the wsa : ReplyTo ) .


  10. In this invocation model , the client uses WS-Addressing to indicate to the service the ReplyTo endpoint reference ( EPR ) value to be used by the service when responding to the client 's request .


  11. Under normal WS-Addressing request-response processing rules , the request message in a request-response message exchange should contain a wsa : ReplyTo EPR ( or it defaults to " anonymous ") .
