
Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul .
Regional Economic Integration and Revitalising the Old Industrial Base
Chinese money is also becoming a force in supporting and revitalising struggling Japanese companies .
One of his mottoes is conquering English , revitalising China .
Other sales improvements include revitalising its watches division and developing products used in hotel bathrooms and the like .
This is not the first data-sharing initiative for revitalising a flagging area of research and development in global health .
Revitalising the Nato-Russia Council should , over the longer term , ease Russia 's neuralgia about the alliance .
The deepening phase starting with EU Commission White Paper 1996 " A Strategy for Revitalising the Community 's Railways " and centred by the first-package railway infrastructure reform scheme ;
And we are both making college more affordable and revitalising our community college system , so that America continues to not only have the best universities in the world , but also the highest college graduation rates .
Now is the time for our banking behemoths to go back to basics by revitalising their branch networks with real , identifiable people as managers who can offer advice as well as good service to customers .
While Beats commands a leading position in the premium headphone market , its real value to Apple is in revitalising its " cool " at a time when iTunes has waned in popularity and Samsung 's marketing campaigns have savaged the iPhone 's brand .