
美 [ˌrɛtəˈrɪʃənz]英 [ˌrɛtəˈrɪʃənz]
  • n.修辞学家
  • rhetorician的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 修辞学家;演说家;雄辩家
    A rhetorician is a person who is good at public speaking or who is trained in the art of rhetoric.

    ...an able and fiercely contentious rhetorician.


  1. The research on Metaphor has been of great interest to many rhetoricians and linguists .


  2. Metaphor viewed as a matter of language in tradition appeals to rhetoricians and literary critics for more than 2000 years .


  3. In this aspect , the rhetorician of Europe and America lead in the world .


  4. British rhetorician Richards once said , in our daily conversation almost every three sentences a metaphor that may arise .


  5. Actually , rhetorical device-pun has been widely used by Chinese people and thus become a frequent research object in Chinese rhetorician history .


  6. Secondly , he divided film synthesis of visual rhetoric into single mirror language of visual rhetorician mirror language of visual rhetoric .


  7. One of the far-reaching concepts in western rhetoric , identification theory was put forward by the American rhetorician Kenneth Burke .


  8. Longinus , a rhetorician of ancient Greece , describes sublimity as a style of writing .


  9. The Prime Minister out of office is seen , too often , to have been but a pompous rhetorician .


  10. Many contrastive rhetoricians believes that Chinese discourse patterns are characterized by induction and non-linearity as opposed to the English deductive and linear ones .


  11. In the future development of the Chinese rhetoric , rhetoricians must not only guard against the negative effects of this change but also absorb anything beneficial from it .


  12. In the past , metaphor was regarded by the traditional rhetoricians solely as a rhetoric device , decorative in nature and independent of human cognition .


  13. Therefore , oxymoron has attracted the attention of psychologists , rhetoricians and linguists owing to its novelty and particularity .


  14. For example , the Greek rhetorician Athenaeus wrote of a man who hada physical love affair with a statue of Cupid .


  15. Wang Yi was an outstanding rhetorician in the early 20 th century in China . He was the first Chinese scholar who studied profoundly the relationship between language and thinking .


  16. Lucian was famous Greek rhetorician .


  17. Rhetoric want to form own service feature , rhetorician should popularize the rhetorical knowledge in the commons , but also offer academic achievement with original significance for other subjects .


  18. Some modern rhetoricians advocate a dramatic , back-and-forth presentation of pros and cons rather than saving all the refutation for the last major body section .


  19. Rhetoricians regard English rhetorical questions as a trope to realize persuasion while grammarians center on describing grammatical transmutation and transformational generation of English rhetorical questions .


  20. Richards , an English rhetorician , believed that every three sentences in oral communication are metaphorical , and Newmark also commented that three quarters of the English language consist of metaphor .


  21. In the rhetorician 's opinion , utterance is nothing but the course of persuasion or self-expression according to the rhetorician 's purpose , trying to make full use of the resources of rhetoric .


  22. The mechanism of humor in language is complex . A plenty of scholars in various fields have made great efforts in studying humor , for example , philosophers , rhetoricians , psychologists , sociologists and so on . Their endeavors have yielded a lot of achievements .


  23. As early as in 1725 , Italian philosopher and rhetorician G. Vico discovered that metaphor had cognitive function . Later , since the publishing of the book Metaphors we live by written by Lakoff & Johnson , the study of metaphor in cognitive linguistics has been touched .
