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  • 网络无线电干扰电压;河流;无线电干扰;无线电感应电压;水流
  1. Combined RIV and acoustic detection for transformer partial discharge


  2. Combined with financial ratio , the RIV model is characterized by more conspicuous objectivity and verifiability .


  3. Therefore , it is the conclusion that Ohlson Model has advantages over traditional FCFE Model and RIV Model in power industry in our country .


  4. The paper presents the rationale of DCF model and RIV model , and compares the applying scope and interpreting ability of the two models .


  5. The valuation , on the relation between the goodwill of domestic banks and its fiscal subjects , has been made with RIV model .


  6. To measure high turbidity water of the Yellow Riv er automatically , granular sizes of flocs is determined by using transparent pulsation device through the dynamic modelling .


  7. Methods Case mix ′ s classifying result is evaluated by comparison of the actual cost of hospitals and the standard cost of case-mix , RIV and ROC curve .


  8. Then it concludes that the concept system under RIV is inherently right by comparing and evaluating from internal logic consistence and Audit Risk Model , and audit risk being a procedural technical risk which complies with its essence ;
