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  1. An important observation here is the interlocking relationship involving the letter " S "( Saad ) .


  2. Saad Alshehri says students in the kingdom must attend college within five years of graduating from high school .


  3. Opposition leader Saad al-Hariri , speaking from outside the country , called for calm .


  4. Saad said a top priority for his mosque is the youth , adding that they are building a gym and youth club .


  5. As long as he was on the run he represented a very ominous danger to the Libyan people , Saad told CNN .


  6. " These findings are of great importance for countries ," said Professor Saad M El Fadil , the study Principal Investigator in Sudan .


  7. To prove this , Saad and fellow researcher Tripat Gill , Ph.D. , called on hundreds of young men and women to take part in their study .


  8. Pakistani Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni says he was visiting relatives in Indonesia when he was detained .


  9. Mr Saad said : ' Choosing someone who might be a poor provider or an unloving father would have serious consequences for a woman and for her offspring . '


  10. Professor Gad Saad , who co-authored the study with Tripat Gill , said the research seems to highlight how evolution has led us to this ' irrational ' decision-making .


  11. Mikati was selected to form a new cabinet in January , after the government of his predecessor Saad Hariri , also a billionaire , collapsed .


  12. Professor Saad Alshehri , the dean of the college , says , like his counterparts in the States , he develops the curriculum with the help of industry advisers .


  13. When it comes to mate selection , women are more attuned to negatively framed information due to an evolutionary phenomenon called ' parental investment theory , ' said Gad Saad , Ph.D.


  14. Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni alleges he was eventually flown to Cairo where he says he was tortured with electric shocks and was forced to drink drug-laced tea .


  15. Saad Eddin Ibrahim is the founding chairman of the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies . " There is always a decade or so around in the revolutionary explosion before the volcano settles down and the ashes settle , " he stated .


  16. Saad Rahim , the chief economist at Trafigura , one of the world 's biggest traders of metals and oil , calculates that China added about $ 1 trillion in new liquidity in the first quarter of the year - an amount that would be roughly equal to the entire quarterly economic output of Germany during the same period .
