- n.圣徒身份

His elevation to sainthood is entirely justified .
The late Pope John Paul III reportedly is only one step away from sainthood .
If you had to nominate one person you have known for sainthood , who would you choose ?
He who gains the highest fruit of sainthood may be said to have seen nirvana face to face .
The Pope has taken the first step in conferring sainthood on the cardinal .
Prior to sainthood , Thomas More read Roman poets and playwrights .
One of the most revered spiritual men of the20th century has taken his first big step on the road to sainthood .
Today , there are no such official safeguards and some doubtful candidates have been put forward for sainthood .
Contrary to popular book titles , there are no Easy Steps to Maturity or Secrets of Instant Sainthood .
Or does his elevation to near sainthood say everything about the modern world and our obsession with needless gadgets ?
Lula has not quite achieved the global renown and secular sainthood of Nelson Mandela .
Vatican speeds up sainthood scrutiny of Mother Teresa
Your grace in overlooking the mistakes and flaws of your friends will elevate you to sainthood .
IN THIS ARTICLE : The Roman Catholic Church has a complicated system for elevating its most revered members to sainthood after death .
Yesterday idolized , today hated and spit upon , tomorrow forgotten , and the day after tomorrow promoted to Sainthood .
Pope Francis has cleared John Paul II for sainthood , approving a miracle attributed to his intercession .
Pope Benedict XVI puts his predecessor John Paul II on the fast track for sainthood , overriding the usual waiting period .
Pope Benedict proclaimed his Polish predecessor who died six years ago a'blessed of the Roman Catholic Church ' , the last step before sainthood .
In many places , children who die or people who suffer unpleasant deaths can be granted a kind of sainthood and asked to intervene on behalf of the living .
Beatification , which is bestowed only on the dead , is the penultimate step before sainthood .
Chen Baisha , a great Confucian scholar , was the only one person of Guangdong to be elevated to sainthood and thus be honored in the Confucian Temple .
Many people genuinely do not wish to be saints , and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings .
Not all of you are going to dedicate your whole life to eradicating poverty but just because you don 't qualify for sainthood doesn 't mean you can 't form deep human connections
Church of St John Coltrane exists in San Francisco : the founders first claimed that the musician was an incarnation of god , but later demoted him to sainthood .
Though Pauline follows rigidly all steps of the conversion process , and there are miracles about her that are required of a saint , she is ironically unqualified for sainthood .
The Vatican says Pope Francis , head of the Roman Catholic Church , has recognized a second miracle attributed to the late Mother Teresa , clearing the way for her elevation to sainthood .
But on the point of his own sainthood , Mandela actually agreed with de Klerk : " I was not a Messiah , but an ordinary man who had become a leader because of extraordinary circumstances . "
Jakes 's recovery was unlikely enough that Kateri , who was beatified in 1980 , is now being considered by the Catholic Church for sainthood - said recovery potentially being the miracle that qualifies her .