- abbr.salamanzar (12-bottle capacity) 火蜥蜴(12个瓶装的容量)

We should just turn out the lights and play hide the " salam " or something .
Mr. Bush will meet separately with President Abbas and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad .
Nearby Turkish restaurant Salam is the same .
It is not rare to hear someone call out " Salam Aleikum " as you walk along the street .
The measures were announced following talks between Secretary Rice , Israel 's Foreign and Defense Ministers and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Jerusalem .
Launched in1983 by Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam , TWAS oversees a broad range of capacity-building programmes .
Standing next to Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayad , Mr. Brown said the settlement issue must be resolved if there is to be a lasting peace .
Comprehensive score of Salam was about 7 , wild seashore paspalum between 6 and 7 , crowfoot grass about 5 .
A commander of the anti-Gadhafi forces , Abdel Salam Qanuna , says his men have surrounded Bani Walid .
Cheney traveled to the West Bank city of Ramallah Sunday where he met with moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and with Prime Minister Salam Fayyad .
For the past four years the PA 's prime minister has been a technocrat , Salam Fayyad , who has much impressed the Western powers financing his fledgling government .
By defining vaccum self-energy diagrams and using REDUCE programming langauge , the calculation of renormalization constans in the weinberg - salam standard model can be performed by computer .
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri made a terse statement after Fatah nominated the current prime minister of the Palestinian Authority , Salam Fayyad .
Most of the country is safe ," says Salam Khoshnaw , deputy minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research . " Of course we can 't predict what will happen tomorrow or the day after .
In 1967 and 1968 , Weinberg and Salam promoted a complete weak and electric united gauge theory of SU ( 2 )× U ( 1 ) by using the spontaneous broken Higgs Mechanism .
Still , the PA 's government of Salam Fayyad , a former IMF man credited with reviving the West Bank economy , has managed to contain Hamas more thoroughly than many expected when he took office in2007 .
By means of the changes of morphological and physiological characteristics , a conclusion was drawn that under short-term sea salt stress , salt resistance of crowfoot grass was the worst , wild seashore paspalum worse , Salam the best .
Controlled by majority shareholder Al Salam Bank-Bahrain , the plant will utilize the city 's densely packed scale to collect used cooking oil in the region and from 4 , 000 restaurants across town , more than doubling local biodiesel production capacity .
Under field condition , crowfoot grass and seashore paspalum started to appear withered gradually since October 26 . The withering rate of crowfoot grass was the fastest , wild seashore paspalum faster and Salam the slowest .
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was less optimistic , citing economic problems in Palestinian areas caused by Israeli roadblocks and a shortfall in the collection of funds pledged last year by international donors , including Gulf oil states , in Paris :
In the process of sea salt concentration increasing , leaf firing percentage of crowfoot grass increased the fastest , Salam the slowest ; root-shoot ratio of crowfoot grass rose sharply , but wild seashore paspalum and Salam rose relatively gently .
Besides classifying Hamas as a terrorist organization which opposes Israel 's right to exist , the Bush administration believes that contacts with Hamas undermine Mr. Abbas and the Palestinian prime minister , Salam Fayyad , who favor negotiations for a permanent two-state solution with Israel .