- n.翅果;萨马拉市;萨玛拉;翼果

By the time I brought Samara over ,
While in Samara , Lenin continued to study the works of Marx and Engels .
The Research on Samara Characteristics of Maple Germplasm Resources
Oil content and accumulation of Acer truncatum samara were studied .
Play as Samara and help her solve the mysteries .
Buddhism and Samara Theme of Novel before Song Dynasty
Dynamic of Gutta-percha Formation and Accumulation in Samara of Eucommia ulmoides
The summit in Samara , Russia , would be " difficult " , Mr Steinmeier said .
Samara shape of Aceraceae and it 's implications in systematics and evolution
And joining us , we 've got two new friends , Samara Banks and Ben Schneller , to help us light this tree .
Therefore , the end of October is the suitable harvest time of Acer truncatum Bunge samara in Beijing Shunyi .
The composition of phytosterol in Samara Oil is as follows : β - sitosterol , 82.34 % ;
For the samara of Acer negundo , the successful photograph of the dynamic states of the seed development by soft X-ray apparatus have also been obtained .
As the samara theory , one of the basic thoughts of Buddhism , its content contains the world of living and died , and its range influenced has included all stratum of the society .
Samara glabrous ; leaf blade surfaces smooth and glabrous with tufted hairs on veins , base oblique , apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate .
Declare Buddha energetically propaganda of novel through these , Buddhism samara theory influence in China strengthen day by day , make the samara theory become one of the most popular theories of China 's Buddhism finally .
The results show that compared with the control group , the lipid peroxidation in group B , C , and D decreases while the antioxidant effect increases indicating that the antioxidant effect of Samara oil is strong than that of vitamin E.
Eucommia orchard was suggested to be the leading model for future gutta-percha utilization and meanwhile , extractions of gutta-percha from samara would be the main approach to rubber industrialization and also the key research field for cultivation of Eucommia ulmoides .
The ingenious publicity stunt took place on July 21st , in the south-western city of Samara , and only lasted three hours . Anyone looking to get a free tank of gas was invited to show up at the gas station wearing skimpy underwear and high heels .
Russian cities of Kaliningrad , Kazan , Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod , Rostov-on-Don , Saint Petersburg , Samara , Saransk , Sochi , Volgograd and Yekaterinburg will host FIFA World Cup 2018 to last from June 14 through July 15 , 2018 .