
  • 网络审查;详细检查;细察


examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification
audit accounts and tax returns
Synonym: audit scrutinize inspect
to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail
he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror
Synonym: size up take stock scrutinize


  1. Regulators should scrutinise the form these new exchanges take .


  2. This falls short of activists'demands , as it would lack the power to scrutinise a serving prime minister .


  3. Millions of young engineers and programmers scrutinise every moment of a product announcement .


  4. Fans scrutinise the languages , sharing inconsistencies on Twitter and discussion forums .


  5. The foreign exchange regulator warned that it would closely scrutinise all repatriation of profit on property deals .


  6. It is not simply a failure of the United States Patent and Trademark Office to scrutinise applications more rigorously .


  7. At the very minimum , we must scrutinise it thoroughly and sceptically .


  8. But given time , the rail will take a lot of wear and tear , and our system will scrutinise every small change at all times .


  9. It is just that he does so in the media business , which loves nothing more than to scrutinise itself .


  10. The committee normally meets in public on Friday afternoons to scrutinise and approve public expenditure proposals put forward by the Government .


  11. As a result , senior Goldman staff appear able to scrutinise the operations of other business units with more freedom than at other banks .


  12. Citizens can scrutinise all spending .


  13. But it was not clear yesterday whether the deal would still require the approval of a cabinet committee that has sought to scrutinise oil agreements .


  14. As early as 500 BC , the mathematician Pythagoras would scrutinise young men 's faces to determine if they 'd make a good student ;


  15. Given such flux , it is no surprise that they will also scrutinise their relationships , which can subsequently become MBAcasualties .


  16. The world 's markets will doubtless scrutinise every Single 's Day trend this year for signs that the Chinese economy is ( or is not ) doomed .


  17. E-government is no magic bullet , but it gives citizens and lobby groups more power to scrutinise government and highlight waste and dishonesty .


  18. Germany is demanding changes to the European treaties that would concentrate unprecedented power in Brussels to scrutinise budgets and sanction profligate governments .


  19. It would scrutinise the regulatory activities of national authorities with more teeth than the IMF has and oversee the implementation of a limited number of global regulations .


  20. The US Treasury should scrutinise banks receiving public capital more closely to ensure the money is being used to support the economy and not hoarded , a watchdog said yesterday .


  21. A justifiable attempt to scrutinise the government of President Vladimir Putin has degenerated into an exercise in schadenfreude and ill will .


  22. It decides whether bills committees or subcommittees should be formed to scrutinise bills and subsidiary legislation that have been introduced into the Legislative Council .


  23. The sport 's authorities are under pressure to scrutinise and even block the transfer , which challenges the efficacy of rules designed to ensure clubs do not spend beyond their means .


  24. The German Cartel Office , meanwhile , is considering complaints brought by newspaper and magazine publishers , and regulators in Washington are being urged to scrutinise closely .


  25. Ms Clarke suggests that those who want to make a move but have no idea where they want to go should scrutinise their entire career and pick out components that made them happy .


  26. To that end , the London-based company is experimenting with verifiable data audits and will soon announce the composition of an ethics board to scrutinise all the company 's activities .


  27. When you scrutinise the text you see everything was there except , somehow , the passion which , when the president is at his best , flows from the strength of his moral intelligence .


  28. Traders say an auction of US government bonds due to take place today and tomorrow have triggered a far lower level than usual of related activity in the repo market , as banks scrutinise their trading strategies .


  29. New legislation being drafted by the German government to scrutinise acquisitions by foreign state - controlled investors is shaping up to be a minimalist version of the equivalent US mechanism , according to senior German officials .


  30. Unlike US exchanges , which do not scrutinise so-called backdoor listings via the acquisition of an already publicly traded company , the Hong Kong stock exchange treats such deals as if they were new IPOs .
