- 网络海山;海底山;海底火山;海丘

Fractal Research on Seamount Topography in the West Pacific Ocean
Genetic classification and origin of ferro manganese crust base in the seamount areas
A series of seamount cobalt-rich crust reference materials On Substance
Oceanic island - seamount carbonate sedimentary feature and its PALEOGEOGRAPHIC SIGNIFICANCE
The Study of Petrological Geochemistry of Basalts from CL Seamount , Middle Pacific
The Growth Habit and Controlling Factors of the Cobalt-Rich Crusts in Seamount of the Central Pacific
Is there any bend in the seamount chain ?
The intermediate and acid seamount which maybe exist , may be the main origin of felsic detritus .
The Conical Seamount is a non - volcanic one in the Mariana Fore Arc .
Petrology and Origin of the Conical Seamount in the Mariana Fore - arc Area
As an important part of the Middle Pacific seamounts area , Co-rich crusts distribute widely in CL Seamount .
Combined application of the methods of the nearest domain and geological block to resource evaluation of cobalt-rich crust on a seamount in the Pacific
Calcareous nannofossils from cobalt-rich crust in Middle Pacific seamount
They were studied in three Mid-Pacific seamount Co-rich crusts to probe into changes of the Co-rich crusts ' forming environment .
The rocks at the top of the seamount consist of serpentinized ultramafic harzburgite .
Based on the data analysis of the seamount topography and the magnetic anomalies obtained by the geophysical survey during 1980 ~ 1987 in the eastern basin of the South China Sea .
We selected a Co-rich crust sample ( MHD79 ), which has multi-layer structure and was gathered from central Pacific MH seamount .
The age of cobalt-rich crusts from the Magellan Seamount in the western Pacific has been first approached by using the method of biostratigraphic dating .
Pacific Ocean : Kermadec Islands , Philippines , Darwin Seamount in central Pacific , Tasman Sea , Nazca Ridge .
Preparation and Study of Two Seamount Co-rich Crust PGEs Ultra-fine Reference Materials : MCPt-1 and MCPt-2 Internal Stress and Co Content of Pulse Electrodeposited Ni-Co Alloy Coatings
A perfact Carboniferous reef complex developed on top of a volcanic seamount on the oceanic floor in the Akiyoshi Terrane , Southwest Japan .
Application of Measuring Technique of Low-level Radioactivity in the Studies of Poly-metallic Nodule and Crust MINERALIZING CHARACTERS OF COBALT-RICH FERROMANGANESE NODULE AND CRUST IN CENTRAL PACIFIC OCEAN SEAMOUNT
Σ REE in polymetallic nodules from seamount and hill at the seafloor is higher than that of polymetallic nodules from abyssal plain and depression .
The results indicate that the cobalt-rich development in central Pacific oceanic seamount area , and the mineralizing characters are controlled by the environmental factors , such as landform , water depth and rock types .
Two samples ( 9DG , 9DG-2 ) were dredged from Huangyan Seamount in2005 and detail petrological , geochemical and chronological analyses were conducted .
Based on the outcrop sequence-stratigraphic principle and method , the authors first studied the Carboniferous section of the seamount carbonate platform in Paleo-Tethys ( the Changning-Menglian belt ), Southwestern Yunnan , China .
The differences in noble gas characteristics between the low 3He / 4He type and the high 3He / 4He type crusts indicate the differences of lower mantle end-member of the correspondent seamount chains .
Sampling from top to bottom of a 10 cm thick sample dredged from Magellan seamount , NW Pacific , was conducted at an interval of 5 mm . The concentrations of ore forming and rare earth elements in 20 subsamples were determined .
The volcanogenic minerals mainly distribute in the abyssal plain and the seamount near the latitude of 15 ° N , mainly come from the erosion of the volcanic rocks in the seabed and the volcano eruptions in the vicinity of islands .