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  • 网络异常处理;结构化异常处理;结构化异常;结构异常处理;室管膜下出血
  1. SEH inhibitor can prevent myocardial hypertrophy and ventricular remodeling .


  2. Recent studies show that inhibiter of sEH has a significant protective effect in the cardiovascular system , as well as in other systems .


  3. Structured Exception Handling ( SEH ), is a mechanism provided by windows operating system for handling exception of processes . It is also an important characteristic of windows operating system .


  4. Objective To study the change in activity of antihypertensive factor ( AHF ) in the erythrocytes of senile essential hypertensives ( SEH ) with old myocardial infarction ( OMI ) or old cerebral infarction ( OCI ) .


  5. The structures of the two mimics were characterized by means of IR and NMR with the conclusion that the target - SeH and - TeH were located at - CH_ ( 2 ) OH of the N-acetyl-D-glucosamine .


  6. The method is based on the reduction of Selenium to volatile SeH 2 which is bubbled out by a carrier gas of pure argon and then swept to an Ar H 2 flame quartz atomizer to measure its atomic fluorescence .


  7. However , there were only limited references to Maj-Gen Khattya , who is better known by the nom de Guerre " SEH Daeng " commander red and one of the most controversial figures in the anti-government movement .


  8. The electronic states of the ground state ( X2 ∏) of SeH ( Se2H ) molecules and the ground states ( X1 ∑) of SeH-hydroniums , and their dissociation limit of SeH ( Se2H ) and SeH-are correctly determined based on group theory and atomic and molecular reaction statics .
