
  • 网络百货公司;塞尔福里奇;百货店;橱窗
  1. This year , Selfridges in London dedicated a significant swath of its selling space to Agender , a store-within-the-store where gender-fluid labels like Nicopanda , Ann Demeulemeester and Yang Li commingle .


  2. It'shome to some 300 shops , including Selfridges -- the UK 's second largest department store .


  3. The Oxford Street department store Selfridges in London has started accepting China UnionPay cards .


  4. This spring Selfridges department store is launching an online editorial platform to partner its Web retail .


  5. They said the addition showed that Selfridges was expanding , vibrant and internationally renowned .


  6. This spring , the British retail group Selfridges opened dedicated spaces selling gender-neutral fashion in several department stores .


  7. Do they think it was because Selfridges sold fridges ?


  8. The Chinese market is hugely important to Selfridges , she said . It 's one of the fastest growing international markets that we have .


  9. The Selfridges chain of high end department stores has started accepting China UnionPay cards , the domestic credit card only available in China .


  10. Instead , Selfridges suggests you " wear it with skirts , denim and anything high-rise . "


  11. Selfridges is a London store .


  12. Selfridges director Anne Pitcher said that women particularly favour bright red shades during periods of economic hardship because it brings them more confidence .


  13. Derek Lam is now one of our earliest deliveries on the shop floor and the collection has a huge following at Selfridges .


  14. Getty " does incredibly well online , " says Lemos , and this season will be available at Selfridges .


  15. A spokesman for Selfridges said that the queue for the sales began at 11.30 last night - more than nine hours before the doors opened to customers .


  16. The make-up simulator is currently on a roadshow of department stores across the country and will return to Selfridges in London on May27 .


  17. They are all made by Singaporean designer Wykidd Song , whose creations have been sold at Harrods and Selfridges in London and Barneys in New York .


  18. Elements of both the eclectic and neutral approaches were adopted by Selfridges in Agender , introduced to its stores in London , Manchester and Birmingham this spring as a six-week experiment .


  19. The robot , called Mr Asahi , began his international tour at Selfridges in London , serving up shots of ice-cold Asahi beer to intrigued customers-with a robotic smile .


  20. At Selfridges , sparkle-clothed mannequins , both male and female ( check out those Rupert Sanderson shoes ! ) cavort in snowy scenes like high-fashion performance artists .


  21. He was always alive to fresh stunts and ideas : when Louis Bleriot flew across the English Channel in 1909 , the plane in which he had made the crossing was displayed in Selfridges the very next day .


  22. However , FaceGym , the facial exercise and skincare studio in Selfridges , has teamed up with The Juicery and WelleCo to devise ultimate guide to every type of facial issue - and the solution to fixing it fast .


  23. Describing the response to Agender as " wholly positive , " Linda Hewson , Selfridges 's creative director , said the company " is now thinking about how to progress its principles and aesthetics beyond a six-week scheme into the everyday . "


  24. Designers featured participated in Disney and Lucasfilm 's ' Star Wars : Fashion Finds the Force " event , in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital . Charity sweatshirts are available at Selfridges stores . ' Star Wars : The Force Awakens " is in UK cinemas from December 17
