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  1. Ethical Perspective on Systematic Reform of Free Medical Serive


  2. This integrated system facilitates transportation , production process serive , and storage of containerized raw material and finished product .


  3. Can I think of this newspeper serive for our Member only , GM cannot take it away every day also .


  4. In the second chapter , the paper illustrates the fundamental theory of the paper , classic marketing theory and the theory related to non-fuel serive .


  5. Knowledge management : management of business , cusomer , and process knowledge and its application for adding value and competitively differentiating product and serive offerings .


  6. Inspiration of Chinese Imperial Examinations to Present Exam Mechanism of Civic Serive There were many different opinions about the civil examination system of Nanjing Nationalist Government at that time .


  7. Document information serive of education management in higher institutions is playing an important role which can improve the development of higher educational undertakings . It consists of macroscopic information content and microscopic information content .


  8. In addition , the copperplate engraving studio and Lithographic Printmaking studio under construction , the plan to open in the second half of next year when we will provide more comprehensive serive .
