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  • n.薮猫(山猫的一种)

复数: servals



slender long-legged African wildcat having large untufted ears and tawny black-spotted coat
Synonym: Felis serval


  1. Ideas on Serval Problems Towards the Present Bar Postgraduate Major in Procedure Law


  2. Discussion of Serval Issues for Gird and other Distributed Computing Technologies


  3. There are serval departures a day for new york .


  4. Serval notable problems to protect and exploit as well as utilize plant resource were raised .


  5. In the end , the field experiment data and result of measuring thickness on serval Blast Furnaces are discussed .


  6. Serval main techniques of molecular genetic markers used in the field of animal genetic and breeding are generalized in this paper .


  7. UNDERGROUND During the last serval decades , groundwater has been polluted more and more seriously .


  8. These systems have brought huge benefits and convenience to enterprises , however , at the meanwhile , also brought serval security problems .


  9. Thus , the Ministry of Information called for the serval famous national communication companies to establish the relative specification of the group management technology .


  10. I was honored as a " Three Virtues " in university serval times . What was your best subject in college ?


  11. We describes serval main methods and compare them in detail . In addition , we point out some other technologies need to be improved in the future .


  12. The algorithm of two-dimensional Kohonen network is improved from serval aspects such as neighborhood function , learning rate , etc. It is applied into tobacco clustering .


  13. In this thesis , we explore serval key issues over data stream mining . Meanwhile , we primarily research on the problem of mining top k frequent closed patterns .


  14. Preliminary analysis shows that the propulsion force is relative to serval factors , such as liquid viscousness , drive fin wet area and offset , etc. angle .


  15. According to the above work , the Renolds-stress is resolved into serval parts , and the composed equation of Renolds-stress is derived .


  16. This paper first analyzes and ponders the concept , principle and target of knowledge management and then puts forward serval sovaling methods and notions on implementing knowledge management in enterprises .


  17. The dissertation studies serval imaging algorithms of SAR , which include range migration algorithm ( RMA ) and range stacking algorithm . Key processing methods of the two algorithms are analyzed .


  18. Serval key technologies about IPTV , such as video codec , wideband network , stream media and chips supporting codec have developed rapidly in recent serval years .


  19. Zhang Xiujie said proudly " With it , I can do all the work serval persons had to do in the past . "


  20. After analysing serval decompilation pattern , we select one decompilation pattern named structured-decompilation . This pattern comprises file format recognition , separation of code and data , and signature recognition process .


  21. The policy industry is the first factor to restrict to the project construction , for which is divided into serval groups such as the encouragement one , the restrain one , the eliminating one and the permission one .


  22. This paper presents a brief introduction of Monte Carlo Method and the result compared with other methods in the calculation of radiation heat transfer . Serval cases with different radiator temperature are solved by Monte Carlo Method too .


  23. By establishing serval bounds between entropy of different random variables , we propose some efficient algorithms to find these diversity patterns . We also develop an improved mining algorithm for non-redundant interacting feature subsets . 3 .


  24. Welding drawbacks of printed circuit board ( PCB ) resulted from a or serval problematic links in the production chain , as plan , manufacture , welding of PCB , stocking management of electric components etc.


  25. We 've also noted that , on serval latest " Forfeiting ", there are new rates applied on our orders , however , it 's a pity to know the new rates without advance notice though paper or telephone .


  26. Methods After an aged mouse model was built , 6 mice with congenital HCMV latency and 6 mice from DMEM control group were selected randomly and killed , Then the cerebral cortex were divided into serval portions .


  27. There are a lot of methods about the emotion defination and category , the acoustic features related with emotion , and classification model . Develop serval emotion recognition system with different language . There are pilot studies with in the speech emotion recognition frameworks .


  28. Serval separated modules are applied to the program on both PC and the mobile phone . The application of mobile phone ( MIDlet ) is installed on mobile phone ( The type of mobile phone for this design is Nokia 6300 ) .


  29. In this paper , a design of a beam splitter for solar observations is suggested . By the help of this splitter the solar image or the spectral band can be transformed into serval images , same in size but different in intensity .


  30. Uh , well , on the , on the tree planting day and my , my family and I we went to the suburbs of Beijing and we planted serval trees there and I hope these young trees are still alive now .
