shift in priorities

美 [ʃɪft ɪn praɪˈɔrətiz]英 [ʃɪft ɪn praɪˈɒrɪtiz]
  • 重点的转变
shift in prioritiesshift in priorities
  1. The move to build a global supply chain is in line with a shift in priorities for China .


  2. Agricultural policies do not charge predictably in response to each new economic shock or shift in priorities .


  3. it 's a big shift in priorities -- it 's no longer about poor countries and just poverty .


  4. Yet even loyal Russian analysts are keen to stress that this does not mean a fundamental shift in priorities .


  5. For poorer countries , the time is not yet ripe for a shift in priorities from wealth accumulation to companionship .


  6. There is also likely to be a shift in priorities away from weapons procurement as the Pentagon sets aside money to build up the army and the Marines .


  7. But developments of the past year from commodity-price-led inflation to the slight shift in the government 's priorities indicate that the pace of convergence is set to slow in the years ahead .


  8. These results reflect not only the shift in the value proposition of cloud computing toward business impact but also a macroeconomic shift in business priorities from cost cutting to revenue growth .
