
美 [ˈʃaɪɪŋ]英 [ˈʃaɪɪŋ]
  • v.被吓退;被惊走
  • n.惊跳
  • shy的现在分词



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 害羞的;腼腆的;怕生的
    A shy person is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of other people.

    She was a shy, quiet-spoken girl...


  • The children smiled shyly.


  • Eventually he overcame his shyness.


  • 4
    ADJ-GRADED 犹豫的;不情愿的;害怕的;有所顾忌的
    If you are shy of doing something, you are unwilling to do it because you are afraid of what might happen.

    You should not be shy of having your say in the running of the school.


  • 5
    VERB (马)惊走,惊退
    When a horse shies, it moves away suddenly, because something has frightened it.

    Llewelyn's stallion shied as the wind sent sparks flying.


  • 6
    PHRASE 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳;一回吃亏两回学乖
    You say 'once bitten, twice shy' when you want to indicate that someone will not do something a second time because they had a bad experience the first time they did it.

  • 7
    PHRASE 竭力避开;尽量避免
    If you fight shy of something, you try very hard to avoid it.

    It is no use fighting shy of publicity and then complaining when sponsors pass us by...


  • 8
    PREP-PHRASE 未达到;欠缺;不足;不够
    A number or amount that is just shy of another number or amount is just under it.

    ...a high-school dropout rate just shy of 53%...


  1. As a result , companies are shying away from traditional retailers .


  2. Two small boys were shying stones at a tree .


  3. His mind , as though shying away from something , seemed unable to concentrate .


  4. You 're really not shying away from those " S " words , are you ?


  5. Do you notice those boys shying rocks at passing cars ? They could cause an accident .


  6. Investors are shying away from some loans being offered to finance leveraged buy-outs .


  7. Companies cannot be blamed for shying away from nuclear projects if gas power looks faster , cheaper and more profitable .


  8. The youths were shying rocks at the police .


  9. Results 27.2 % participant have high level interaction anxiety , 18.5 % have high shying score , 14.1 % have high level communication apprehension .


  10. He thinks some people , especially younger investors , have'overlearned'the lesson of2008 and therefore are shying away from the stock market too much .


  11. In addition , the companies are shying away from developing China-specific drugs because of the country 's lack of adequate patent protection .


  12. I recommend shying away from recurring meetings . Everything you do with an hour should be a conscious decision .


  13. And labour-market reforms are not all that he is shying away from .


  14. Rather than shying away from the boundary question which has been left over from history , we have agreed to advance the boundary negotiations .


  15. Malaysian companies are probably shying away from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as they have little knowledge of the opportunities in these two countries .


  16. James Moloney manages to tackle this important issue in a very sensitive manner , without shying away from making some fairly strong statements .


  17. Next time you find yourself considering ( and perhaps shying away from ) a multithreaded application design , you may want to turn instead to the JCSP library .


  18. They are shying away from the full skirts , fur collars and bright colours of years past in favour of conservative yet original clothes .


  19. Until the Fed stepped in , new CP issuance had been virtually frozen as the banks and money market funds are shying away from non guaranteed credit .


  20. The White House is shying away from an overt lobbying effort to thwart the Iraq resolutions , as it might do more harm than good .


  21. It 's Rodman 's fourth trip to North Korea , and he has never been shying about his affection for the country 's dictatorial leader .


  22. The reports fuelled concerns that US consumers , hit by the housing market slump , rising petrol prices and an escalating credit crisis were shying away from the shops .


  23. Bribery-reporting websites have been burgeoning over the weekend , allowing Internet users to share their experiences in giving bribes though shying away from revealing corrupt figures .


  24. Evidently he thought that I was shying away from the " gonnegtion . " mentioned at lunch , but I assured him he was wrong .


  25. With the markets shying away , the country will not be able to borrow afresh next year , as had originally been hoped when the country was first bailed out in May 2010 .


  26. Claire Perry , the MP for Devizes , said children 's lives were too regimented with organised activities , and parents were shying away from disciplining their children .


  27. With the advent of neo-evangelicalism , however , so-called " evangelical " Bible scholars are shying away from emphasizing the inspiration and doctrinal unity of Scripture .


  28. Companies in the US raised more money through deals involving private placements than initial public offerings last year , demonstrating how issuers are increasingly shying away from the scrutiny and expense of the US public market .


  29. Multinationals , particularly in Asia , are shying away from aggressive tax planning as tougher reporting requirements and a clampdown by tax authorities that started in the US spread to other parts of the world .


  30. They found that while men and women were equally academically able , a significant number of women were shying away from jobs in sectors such as banking and management consultancy fearing they would not be successful at them .
