
美 [ˈsaɪnpoʊstɪŋ]英 [ˈsaɪnpəʊstɪŋ]
  • 网络路标
  1. He appointed himself a political sage , signposting the path for future generations .


  2. Last April , Tesco , the biggest of these , announced that it was rejecting the traffic-light system in favour of a less stark " signposting " approach .


  3. Signposting is informing listeners about what is to be presented in a presentation , and constantly informing listeners as to where they are during that presentation .


  4. It 's one thing to worry about signposting fire exits when you let out a spare room on Airbnb . Protecting the profit margins of fine upstanding local hoteliers is another matter .


  5. At EFMD , we have been monitoring the development of online courses , including Moocs and Snocs ( small network online courses ) , and are conscious of the need to support business schools and their customers by signposting high-quality provision .
