
Disposal of mixed backfill used in roadbed of city road Sity
Welcome to China ! Welcome to our sity !
My weight fell from eighty pounds to sity pounds .
The detective result of the active fault in Shenyang sity appling the electrical resistivity CT was put forward .
Method One hundred and sity women with early pregnancy ( ASA I , 18-37 years old , ) were divided into eight groups of 20 women each .
This article is a systematic report about paratuberculosis in daily goats on teaching farm , Gansu Agricultural Univer - sity .
Concentrating the essence of Hui-culture & assessment of the collection " She xian County , a famouse historically sity of China "
Methods The expression of DDX24 new gene was detected by using in sity hybridization with RNA primer in32 cases of TCC and8 cases of normal bladder tissue .
The formula of axial heat flux den - sity is derived from the equation of state for a perfect gas , the Navier & Stokes equation as well as continuity equation .
Fair molecular weight polystyrene ( PS ) was quantitatively introduce into polycarbonate ( PC ) by means of in sity polymerization to obtain a series of well compatible polymer blend systems .
Objective To determine the optional scanning parameters used in helical CT scanning to obtain the best den ˉ sity resolution by analyzing the effect of different scanning parameters on the image quality and density resolution .
On the basis of 30 core classics and 50 recommended classics fitting to school and univer - sity students , the author has selected 100 extended classics for graduate students and connected to modem academic documentation system .
From the field observation and analyses , some primary principles concerning the silting-up rate , the distribution of silt bulk den - sity with depth and the consolidation rate and change of the shear strength of the silt have been found out .
Through using the example of qingpu area and analyzing the character of the outskirts of sity , the choice and development of industry in outskirts of city is studied according to some theories , for example industrial clustering theory ? industrial value chain theory and so on .
Techniques and organization in developing and managing the Shenzhen Univer - sity 's Management Information System ( SZU-MIS ) are discussed . , Main techniques , gene - ral rules , strategy consideration as well as the framework and functions of the system are introduced .
I generalize the latter scheme to construct measures of entanglement based on the mixed convex roof of a quantity , which in contrast to the standard convex roof method involves optimization over all decompositions of a den - sity matrix rather than just the decompositions into pure states .