smart alec

美 [ˈsmɑːrt ælɪk]英 [ˈsmɑːt ælɪk]
  • n.自诩聪明的人;好逞能的人

复数: smart alecs

smart alecsmart alec


informal disapproving自诩聪明的人;好逞能的人
a person who thinks they are very clever and likes to show people this in an annoying way

also NAmE smart aleck
also smarty-pants
also BrE also smart-arse
also NAmE also smart-ass

smart alec


  • 1
    N-COUNT 自作聪明的人;自以为是的人;神气活现的家伙
    If you describe someone as a smart alec, you dislike the fact that they think they are very clever and always have an answer for everything.

    ...a fortyish smart-alec TV reporter...


  1. You 'll end up no more than a smart alec and you 're well down that road already .


  2. How much longer will it be before some smart alec from the building trade decides to replace conventional windows with electronic displays ?
