
  • 网络荷兰世爵
  1. Saab , Sweden 's other global car brand , is facing a renewed liquidity crisis a year after being sold by General Motors of the US to Spyker Cars of the Netherlands .


  2. Spyker turned to Chinese industrial investors for money .


  3. Spyker said on Thursday production would resume once fresh financing had been secured .


  4. To find out more about the feature pack InfoQ talked to its chief Architect , Andrew Spyker


  5. Sweden 's Saab is being sold to Dutch luxury carmaker Spyker , General Motors ( GM ) has confirmed .


  6. The news comes follows speculation about buyers after the carmaker declared bankruptcy in December , two years after General Motorssold it to Dutch group Spyker in 2010 .


  7. But it this week succeeded in selling Saab , its Swedish marque , to Spyker , the Dutch boutique sports car maker .


  8. Spyker has set a deadline of Monday evening for a response to its offer which , it said , removed all the obstacles that caused its earlier bid to collapse .


  9. Spyker said it remained hopeful the rescue plan would eventually go through but , in the meantime , it was holding talks with potential Chinese partners and other investors over additional funding .


  10. His tiny Spyker business has proved incapable on its own of breathing new life into Saab which is still trying to throw off years of mismanagement and underinvestment by GM.


  11. GM declined to comment specifically on the renewed Spyker bid but said that it had received inquiries from several parties since announcing its plan to close Saab and would evaluate each one .


  12. In addition to a distribution joint venture , Pang DA and Spyker will seek a deal with another Chinese carmaker to help them establish a manufacturing joint venture in China for saab-branded vehicles .


  13. GM said on Friday that it had abandoned efforts to sell the 60-year-old brand after talks with Spyker broke down three weeks before its self-imposed year-end deadline to find a buyer .


  14. Spyker , the Dutch boutique sports car maker , said the new offer would remove all the obstacles that caused its previous bid to collapse and gave GM until the end of today to consider it .


  15. Saab Automobile is set to win a stay of execution from General Motors as the US carmaker closes in on a deal to sell its Swedish unit to Spyker Cars of the Netherlands .


  16. The legal action marks the latest in a long series of mishaps around the failed Swedish car brand , which GM sold to Spyker in 2010 and which was declared bankrupt in December of last year .


  17. Netherlands-based group Spyker filed suit against GM in the United States District Court in Detroit on Monday , seeking compensation for " unlawful actions GM took to avoid competition with Saab Automobile on the Chinese market " .


  18. But there would be disappointment for Bernie Ecclestone , the Formula One racing mogul , who teamed up with Genii Capital , the Luxembourg-based private equity company , to challenge Spyker for Saab .


  19. The EIB loan , tentatively approved by the European Union-backed bank in October , was considered crucial to keeping Saab afloat but it was unclear whether the money would be available in time to help Spyker seal a deal .


  20. Spyker , whose roots go back to 1875 as the former coach builder for the Dutch Royal family , is part-owned by the convers banking group , which is controlled by Vladimir Antonov , a Russian tycoon .


  21. I have said before and will repeat it here for what I hope will be the very last time : Pangda , Hawtai or any other automotive company in China should not invest in SAAB , or in Spyker .
